JAKARTA - The singer of the newcomer Malaecca has just released her debut single entitled 'No Love'll Bloom'. This song with a pop-ballad nuance tells the story of the twists and turns of a young love affair.

It took almost a year since 'No Love' will Bloom' was first written until it was played to Indonesian music lovers. The reason is, Malaecca wants the best results on her debut song

From the beginning I made the song, the total revision was more than 50 times, from changing lyrics, tones, to instrumentation too. Because I think my works have at least reached the stage where I think this is worth releasing," Malaecca said at a press conference in Senayan, South Jakarta on Saturday, August 24.

The 20-year-old singer is quite a perfectionist when talking about work. He was involved in the whole process, starting from writing songs, recording sessions, post-production, to creating artworks.

If someone says 'Your song is good, I can relate', that's really good. That's my inspiration for music," Malaecca said.

When people say I relate to the song, that's what makes me want to continue to make music. My motivation in music I want a lot of people to hear and relate to my music," he continued.

Malaecca has been encouraged by her parents to learn music from an early age. Her mother, Dwi Ria Latifa, said that the princess had been undergoing music courses since she was four years old.

I saw that Malaecca's passion in music was really serious. I thought this was a hobby, but the last two years looked serious, finally with our various considerations we supported him," said the mother.

Puspita Wardhani Adjie, who is familiarly called Pipit, vocal coach of Malaecca, also supported the launch of this debut single. He feels his team is eligible to start a new journey in the music industry.

'Malaecca has a strong vocal with a very distinctive character. I am very proud of Malaecca's musicality. I am sure that in the future Malaecca will be more active in contributing to the Indonesian music industry," he said.

No Love Will Bloom is the beginning of the singer's journey to admire NIKI. He hopes that the song can be connected to many people.

"From me, I hope to show people that I have a characteristic. Maybe I haven't been established as a singer for now, but slowly I want to show that I have a characteristic," Malaecca said.

'Malaecca always says she doesn't want to be a diva-like singer, but just wants her voice and the song to be heard by many people while at the same time honing her skills. So even if there is an event like this, it is solely to describe what Malaecca has been doing for a dozen years,' said her mother.

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