JAKARTA - A singer graduated from Holiwings Academy, Glen Clivto, is back with a song. This time it's titled Ego. This is the second work after the song titled Klise which was produced by Anji, which was released last July 2020. Having two songs on the industry track, Glen increasingly believes music is his way of life.
Ego and Cliché are both Glen's self-composed songs. Having felt disconnected and disappointed, Glen found his way into the country's music industry through Holiwings Academy which has now become Holiwings Records.
The funny thing is, his meeting with Anji is like a dream bought. Glen did not expect to be one of Anji's foster children, having previously tried to ask Anji to rate his song but was unable to get the answer he wanted.
"Back in 2013-2014, I had DM via twitter. Just because I didn't know at that time, only Anji replied to DM. Sorry, the term was rejected," Glen said during an exclusive chat with VOI Editor, Monday, March 8. .
When he met Anji as the Principal of Holiwings Academy, Glen felt happy, proud, and funny. Because when he was after Anji, God had not yet made a way. However, suddenly, Anji became his 'caregiver' on Holiwings Records to release the single Klise.
"A few years later meeting as a producer is actually funny. Are you really rich? Suddenly it turns out like this. Because the audition process is quite fast. At that time I auditioned, two months later passed, continued to be produced by Anji. The cliché is the title, really early on. put out a song, "he said.
Glen and Anji once discussed this fate in a vlog with Anji. "Had a funny story and it was in Bang Anji's Vlog. He told me a lot of songs, he didn't remember Glen. But I did remember and tell. When I met him, it was funny, he was laughing," he recalls.

Carrying the flow, Glen finally believes music is his way of life. "Apart from music, I don't have any confidence in living in any other way. The environment is always close to music. As much as I want to try to get out of music, it ends up in the music," said Glen.
His battle with fate began when he graduated from high school. At that time, Glen couldn't continue his studies like the other themes.
"After graduating from high school I was in a band, then suddenly disbanded. I was able to compose songs and I listened to people, yes, maybe this is the way. Indeed, until now I am still in the process and struggling. But I am sure that my path is here. , "he recalled.
Not an easy way to settle his heart. "I used to really play bass in high school, after graduating from high school I was really serious about music. I made my own songs, made my own music, then I went to Semarang, because I didn't have any capital, I stayed there. I didn't have money for meals and boarding, I just hung out with friends at that time. So I offered three songs to the label, all rejected, "said the 25-year-old man.

God's way made him believe that music was his soul's calling again. "Until finally I met Hollywing Academy who made auditions to find talent for outlets in the regions and wanted to be released for works. I was there. At that time, no one sang my own song, only I performed the song Klise and Ego which I created myself. "At that time, I immediately got the golden ticket like an achievement that I never got before. If you can say I am still in the process and struggling, at least I am on the right track now," he explained.
Holywings Academy is an academy for new talents to hone musical skills which has been running since the end of 2019. The Covid-19 pandemic has made Holywings Academy change direction to become the Holywings Record label as of June 19, 2020.
Glen seemed to have the blessing of this change. Two songs that he composed himself have now been released professionally. When upset with his steps in music, Glen will remember his life journey.
"Frequently questioning whether or not you can live from music? Until now, they still often do it," he admitted.
"What strengthens me when I get home from performing, I spend 12 o'clock at night holding my guitar. I compose my own songs. This strengthens me to be able to fight on the musical path. Because my goal is actually to carry my own songs on the big stage, it's easy. I hope that what I am fighting for right now is the result, "hoped Glen Clivto.
Music, for Glen, is not just a work. For him, music is his best friend. Finding it difficult to tell other people, this bald man uses songs as a bridge to convey his heart.
"I don't have a storymate. I find it difficult to get close and tell other people, I rarely believe it. Only through music can I pass all my emotions, all my stories," he explained.
All the things in his heart were expressed in songs. "The things that I can't get in other people I can get in music, and that's what makes me like music to continue. I really love this world," he explained.
Self-taught, Glen 'used' his hurt and hurt to come up with ideas when writing songs. The emotions can be contained in the songs.
"From the beginning, I never made a song but never knew the method. When I was in high school there was another experience of breaking up, family problems, love problems, I was at the lowest point of my life, the song came out," he explained.

What Glen likes most when creating songs is being able to pour his disappointment and frustration into works. There is always a positive side even at the lowest point of his life.
"Maybe that is also what other musicians feel. The song comes in dark times, at the worst possible time. I experienced the hardest thing in life so I can make songs. It's also a blessing behind it all," he said.
The song Cliché, said Glen, was created when he broke his heart in high school. "At that time, there was a family business that went bankrupt. Then my boyfriend left my girlfriend for 4 years. My friends were already in college, I was still looking for where to go. For me when I was a teenager it was really hard. Thinking adults can finally create songs for love and life, "he explained.

What about the song Ego, which was just released? "The ego actually appeared after that. From high school I made a song. This ego was after my second boyfriend broke up again. At that time I was in a relationship, how come it felt really toxic," he said.
Ego describes Glen's confusion when choosing to end the relationship in order to be mentally healthier. "Over time it is maintained to hurt each other, it is not healthy. I think we have to separate, because separation is a medicine, the answer to pain. It's not good that the relationship that has hurt each other is maintained," he explained.
Unlike the previous song, according to him, Ego's song is more mature. Because Glen made decisions maturely without hurting each other.
"For the ego one, the ending is happy, the pain is due to fighting when I was dating. Those days were noisy and unproductive. After separating, I knew this was what was hindering our forced relationship, after being able to be free as free as it is now," said Glen.

Moving on, Glen put Nadin Amizah and Kunto Aji as guides for his career. Admiring Nadin from the start when he released again, Glen hopes to have a duet with him someday.
"I like Nadin Hamizah, I don't know why I really want a duet with her. I really like the pop vlog song and she keeps on appearing. I immediately became a fan of her. From the beginning she left the song," she recalls.
Glen harbored a desire for a duet with Nadin and Kunto Aji. "Kunto's songs can heal all my problems. I have never met a musician who loves himself as much as he does. He can lift me from my problems. I think it's a really great musical movement from Mas Kunto. I really admire Kunto Aji, "he said.
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After releasing the song Ego, Glen Clivto became more determined in his career in Indonesian music. Continuing to compose songs, Glen hopes to develop his abilities.
"My song is sad all the time, I have ever made a happy song, how come it's really sweet. Hope it doesn't stop here. Hopefully we can stay on its way. I believe and don't lose to kaadaan, dreams will come true," he hoped.
Apart from being a singer, his songwriting skills allowed Glen to become a producer. However, Glen admitted that he was focused on singers at this time.
"Now I want to sing, if the producer later. Actually, my intention to become a producer, there are friends who ask to make songs. But the biggest ego at this time still wants to sing," he said.
Then what is the big dream of Glen Clivto as a singer? "Hopefully many people want to hear, can share the same energy as those who listen to it through my songs. Songs can be medicinals for those who are hurt. I want to make my own concert at GBK," he concluded.
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