JAKARTA - K-pop group Super Junior just made a comeback with their 10th album, The Renaissance with the main track, House Party, last week. This song contains a message of encouragement for those who have remained at home during the COVID-19 pandemic.

It turns out that this song was greeted positively by the Director of the World Health Organization (WHO), Dr. Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus, who wrote his admiration via Twitter.

"Thank you, ELF for sharing Super Junior's new song, House Party with us!"

“Super Junior, you are right! We still have to take COVID-19 precautions to protect each other and control this pandemic. Thank you for reminding us through your music,” said Ghebreyesus on Friday, March 19.

Currently, The Renaissance album occupies the iTunes music charts of various countries. Super Junior members are also actively promoting through music shows and variety shows.

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