JAKARTA - Gisella Anastasia was also proud when she found out that her son, Gempita Nora Marten, would debut as a child singer through a song written by Yura Yunita and Donne Maula.

The singer who graduated from Indonesian Idol said that Gempi had never expressed his desire to become a singer even though he had an interest in music, until finally he wanted to sing because of his admiration for Yura Yunita.

"If Gempi has always been asked, I don't want to be a singer. That's why yesterday I got the song Yura, I was nervous too. But when asked he immediately wanted to because he liked it. So we just made it right away," said Gisella Anastasia in Jakarta recently.

"Later, it will be as serious as I am, the important thing is to work on something as best as possible. I don't know if he will be a singer or not. I'll think about it later," he continued.

Furthermore, Gisel is happy because Gempi is able to undergo a recording session well. According to him, the songs written by Yura and Donne are also suitable for children of Gempi's age to sing.

"On the day H (rekaman), Gempi is made to play a lot, it's normal and natural. Yura and Donne and the kids are also excited, it turns out that Gempi is comfortable. There, (Gempi) is directed slowly," said Gisel.

The first dream is to hear that the song really likes it, because the song also fits Gempi very well. The lyrics are also inspiring, have good grades," he said.

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