Coldplay shows its consistency in supporting peace in the world. Appearing as the headliner for the Glastonbury Festival on Saturday, June 29 evening local time, Chris Martin (vocals) invited more than 100,000 spectators to send a peace message to the world.

The incident occurred when Coldplay was playing A Sky Full of Stars. In the middle of the song, the vocalist asked the audience to keep their cellphones to focus on hearing it on stage.

"Just stick your hand like this and turn towards the main stage like this. Now, we will send great love gifts to Glastonbury. Okay, for five seconds, we will send them," Chris Martin said, citing The Independent, Sunday, June 30.

"You can send (love messages) to anyone. You can send them to your grandmother, you can send them to Israel, you can send them to Palestine, you can send them to Myanmar," Martin continued.

You can send it to Ukraine, you can send it to beautiful Russia. You can send it anywhere. You can send it all over the world from Glastonbury.

That night, Coldplay also made a surprise by inviting Elyanna, a singer of Palestinian descent and Chile to the stage. The 22-year-old singer is one of the world's musicians who often voiced peace for Palestine.

At the end of his appearance, Martin thanked the audience present. He hopes that the unity of all differences in Glastonbury can be a good message to the world.

"I believe that most humans can get together very peacefully with all the different flags, all the different colors, all the gender, sexuality, age, everything, and just singing and having fun, no fights," Chris Martin said.

"So, thank you for inspiring us, and hopefully we send all of this into the world together as a beacon of togetherness at a time when it seems impossible, you have proven that it is possible, so that's great. Thank you."

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