JAKARTA - 'Once Upon A Time in air' is Wu-Tang Clan's seventh studio album introduced in 2015. The album, which only has one physical release that cannot be downloaded and played on this digital platform, is the most popular and most expensive album of all time.

But recently the album "Once Upon A Time in air" was played and played for the first time in public at an art gallery in Tasmania, Australia.

Meanwhile, the Old and New Art Museum in Hobart has obtained the album on loan from the Pleasr digital arts collective.

Once Upon A Time in air itself was recorded in secret between 2006 and 2013. This project is the most valuable album Wu-Tang Clan has ever made, featuring contributions from all surviving members at the time.

A copy of his unique physical album is stored in a silver box with gems on it, and on the side there is a liner record covered in the skin and a seal of the Wu-Tang Clan logo candles.

No digital downloads or streams have ever been available, and after becoming a CD, Wu-Tang Clan kept them in a high-security safe at the Royal Mansour Hotel in Marrakesh, Morocco.

The album was then auctioned off the following year, but on condition that buyers cannot commercially exploit the music until 2103.

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