JAKARTA - Most musicians or bands may not have struggled to hold concerts in shopping centers. However, on the evening of Wednesday, May 29, Maliq & D'Essentials held the special performance at the Ashta District 8 SCBD Mall, South Jakarta.

This concert was created to celebrate the anniversary bands 'culture' and'mature' which are entering the age of 22. The event is also a moment to welcome the release of Angga et al's latest album entitled 'Can Machines Fall in Love?'.

Now the 9th Maliq & D'Essentials album can be heard on various music streaming platforms. Some songs are certainly very familiar, such as 'Aduh' and 'We Make Romantic' which are viral among young people.

The band, which was formed in 2002, performed other songs that had never been presented live. Of course, there were a number of previous hits also to pamper music lovers, such as 'He' and 'Sriwedari Setapak'.

The audience's euphoria witnessed the appearance of Maliq & D'Essentials which was extraordinary. Every area facing the stage from several floors is filled with fans who want to sing together.

Similar, even bigger, excitement occurred when they appeared at the HI Roundabout. Apparently, getting older, Maliq & D'Essentials listeners actually spread to a younger age.

With the good ammunition on the album 'Can Machine's Fall in Love?', as well as the new age, Maliq & D'Essentials has a new direction to explore. Regardless of the fringe comments or whatever, quality music remains DNA for the group consisting of six talented musicians.

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