JAKARTA - Inspiration in making a song can come from anywhere, starting from a place, memories, or both. Aneesa felt the last thing that introduced a new single titled 'lost house'.

"The house (which inspired this song) is special," said AneeSa. "Parents did build a house in Jakarta specifically for me and my brother who worked and studied here at that time because we were both children from South Kalimantan," he continued.

The house that witnessed AneeSa's journey with her brother is also a witness to the creation of hundreds of songs in it. Unfortunately the house building full of impressions has passed away.

The house building was demolished along with the memories in it. That's why Anee Sa has an emotional bond with the house.

The figure of Rendy Pandugo participated in the 'lost house'. Aneesa admitted that she liked Rendy Pandugo's works for a long time, even in 2021 AneeSa also released a cover for the song on Rendy Pandugo's mini album.

Actually, in 2022, Rendy was also invited to write together. But, because of the difficult schedule, the plan failed. Then, during the single writing process, I tried to be brave enough to invite him to collaborate," explained AneeSa about the beginning of his collaboration.

"At that time I was very nervous and it took me a week to dare to invite Rendy. When I finally sent an invitation via DM in a very careful language, Rendy just replied with 'when do you want?' Finally, be this song, "he recalled.

Rendy himself admitted that he was happy to be collaborating in this single 'lost house'.

"When I was invited directly, I was ready, even before listening to the song," said Rendy. Because from all the songs released by Sasa (AneeSa's nickname) never failed and I'm sure this time it will be good too," Rendy continued.

Not only filling out vocals as a duet partner for AneeSa, Rendy also participated in the Electric Guitar session. Of course this gives a different color for AneeSa's song, especially because this song has sad lyrics. In making the 'lost house' AneeSa was also assisted by David Halim for the Mixing & Mastering process as well as the Producer for this single.

This song is really to-the-point from my previous songs. Because there was an incident that was felt and maybe more'relate' to friends who listened," said Aneesa when asked what distinguishes this song from the single she has released before.

I also want to remind my friends about the real core of the house. As young people who are busy a lot, sometimes we forget where the house actually is and when it can't be repeated. So don't take something you call home for granted because it's getting older, so I appreciate it even more," said AneeSa.

Meanwhile, Rendy said that the house is not only always about buildings. But about life in it, the atmosphere, happiness, sadness, warmth that is obtained so it deserves to be said to be home or not," he concluded.

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