JAKARTA - The Jansen is one of the Indonesian bands that has managed to spread its wings to several Asian countries. Sales of their physical albums in Singapore received good reception, Bani (vocals, guitar) and Adji (bass) also had the opportunity to perform abroad several times.

The punk-rock band from Bogor said that the success of appearing abroad was thanks to the social network they formed.

Bani said The Jansen actually prefers to create events with their network abroad rather than playing at music festivals. For them, being able to hold concerts with people or communities abroad is a pleasure in itself.

"If the festival offer doesn't actually go there. It's just that it's more fun if we are friends with people there (outside the country), continue to make events or make gigs (respectively)," Bani said when met in Blok M, South Jakarta some time ago.

"Actually, we don't chase festivals, we prefer to meet people there, just like we visit other cities in Indonesia. It's more fun for me, while it's just a bonus festival," he continued.

According to Adji, networking with connoisseurs or indie music actors is still an effective way to reach the stage outside Indonesia. Moreover, there is not a significant difference between communities at home and abroad.

"Because it's almost the same, the punk network culture in Indonesia is the same outside. Indie bands still use that method," said Adji.

However, that doesn't mean The Jansen refuses to appear at a music festival. They also registered at several foreign music festivals, although they didn't really expect to be accepted.

"For the submission of local festivals out there, it has been prepared from now on, we just accept it or not, we don't know yet," said Adji.

Meanwhile, regarding the music market in Europe, The Jansen is still considering many things. Adji said that the problem of funds was a matter of consideration.

"The problem is to play there (Europe) is in the fund, because plane tickets are quite expensive to play in Europe. Meanwhile, the punk collective event is unable to finance tickets. What is certain is that we have started saving from now on," concluded Adji.

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