JAKARTA - The country's most famous alternative band today, the Magic Competition is ready to bring a summer vibe to a showcase. They will hold a showcase concert titled "2 Hours with Magic Competition" on July 24 and 25 at Creative Culture Space, Pasar Minggu, South Jakarta.

This music show is aimed at loyal fans of the Magic Competition who are collectively known as Magic Contest Participants who have followed their lead since their first musical work, 'Hati dan Paru-Paru' 2021.

After three years of enlivening the Indonesian music industry, the band consisting of Baskara Putra, Natasha Udu, Rayhan Noor, Enrico Octaviano, and Tristan Juliano has released a long album entitled Selamat Datang di Ujung Dunia in March 2021. They also staged a successful tour in 2023, "Churuh Parade: Perdana Tour Lomba Sihir".

The Magic Competition also admits that their brilliant action will not be possible without the support of the Magic Contest participants out there.

"We want to celebrate all the milestones we have achieved and all the milestones that we *hendak* achieved later through this showcase concert," explained the Magic Competition which later received a Best Band From Asia nomination at the Bandlab NME Awards 2022.

"One of the great achievements we want to celebrate at this showcase concert is the birth of the Magic Contest participants along with their consistency in supporting and appreciating our work over the past three years. We feel there is no greater form of gratitude than presenting sincere and total music performances for all of them."

Unlike most showcase concerts that have been held before, the Magic Competition confirms that "2 Hours with Magic Contest" will be minimal gimmicks. The solo works of its personnel will also not be included in their list later.

"There is no gimmick, no distraction, no excessive sensation. We won't even use visual effects. A showcase concert "2 Hours with Magic Competition" will be completely a very pure and organic musical performance for two hours non-stop," continued the band from Jakarta.

"Maybe this format seems old-school in this modern era. But, in the end, we wanted to create a pure and organic interaction between our work and the souls of the Magic Contest participants."

Apart from gratitude, there is one other important element that is also the spirit of the showcase concert "2 Hours with Magic Contest", namely the official Magic Contest in treading their new musical era. They also likened this showcase concert to the 'gate' of the Magic Contest and Magic Contest Participants to enter this new era.

Relevance and success of the Magic Competition were also evident from ticket sales that sold out in a very fast time. At first, the Magic Competition only planned a showcase concert "2 Hours with Magic Competition" for July 25, 2024. However, once the tickets were sold out in just a matter of hours, the Magic Competition decided to welcome the high enthusiasm by adding another date, namely July 24, 2024.

"Our productivity and achievements should be proof that the band is something that is very fun to be involved in. In addition, flying a band can be a breath of fresh air that is very important for the current Indonesian music industry," the Magic Competition node.

Tickets to watch the showcase concert "2 Hours with Magic Competition" scheduled for July 24, 2024, can be purchased via Traveloka as of May 9, 2024 at 19.00 WIB. The number of available seats is limited. Tickets for the concert schedule on July 25, 2024 have run out.

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