JAKARTA - Virgoun, represented by his attorney, Wijayono Hadi Sukrisno alias Kris, said that he had made a mistake in his divorce decision from Inara Rusli regarding the distribution of song royalties.

Judging from the decisions of the West Jakarta Religious Court and the Jakarta Religious High Court, Kris said there were at least two wrong things regarding the decision on the distribution of royalties.

"The verdict regarding the royalties of the spirit is wrong. Why can I do that? Yes, because the first song title is wrong," said Wijayono Hadi Sukrisno at Polda Metro Jaya, Thursday, February 15.

"Then the second one hits the publisher. DRM (P.T. Digital Maya Chain) is not a publisher. Just try asking DRM, it's not a publisher, it's called a publisher there," he continued.

Kris assessed that there was no legal certainty because of an error in the decision.

"The decision was wrong, where is the legal certainty if it's a mistake?" said Kris.

Virgoun's attorney also expressed his opinion regarding other incompleteness of the decision on his client's appeal. He said there was no clarity regarding the time period for distributing royalties to Virgoun's songs to Inara Rusli.

Mulai diminta atau dilakukan pembagian itu kapan? Hingga berapa? Jumlahnya berapa? Minta ke siapa? Ini kita minta royalti dengan siapa ini? kata Kris soal keputusan yang dirasa tidak jelas.

Furthermore, Kris said that the distribution of royalties could be done if there was a decision with permanent legal force. He said that his party would continue the appeal at the cassation stage if their appeal was rejected by the Jakarta Religious High Court judges.

"My advice for Virgoun must be to appeal," concluded Wijayono Hadi Sukrisno, Virgoun's attorney.

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