JAKARTA - After several important achievements last year, such as the release of the Crossed EP and appearances at several major music festivals, Bernadya is back with a new single to start her journey in 2024.
The singer and young songwriter, who is under JUNI Records, released a single entitled Kata They Say This is excessive, Friday, February 2.
Bernadya wrote this song starting from the personal stories of the people around her. She summarizes experiences when someone sacrifices desperately to maintain their relationship. Unfortunately, everything was seen as excessive and eventually knocked down the expectations.
"I still remember very well when I started writing this song in 2022. At that time I just moved to Jakarta, in my room, I was carried away by the atmosphere and feelings of their stories," said Bernadya through a press release received by VOI.
The sad story behind the song Kata Say It's too much to have a message for all of us, especially those who continue to sacrifice as'slaves of love' aka bucin.
"Stop trying to try to be perfect, because until whenever you won't be enough in the eyes of the wrong person," said the 19-year-old girl.
Different from the songs from the Crossed EP, this time Bernadya collaborated with Petra Sihombing who acted as producer.
Similar to previous songs, the role of guitar as an accompaniment of songs is still dominant in this single, but with wider exploration of music and stories.
"Music in this song is still quite familiar with Bernadya, who the listener knows," Petra said.
What Bernadya and Petra Sihombing did in the song Kata They said This was excessive, seen by Adryanto Pratono as CEO of JUNI Records, as good cooperation. The two explored a lot in terms of songwriting and the right sound discovery
"It's great to be the first to hear Nadya's songs. From the demonstration, I immediately imagined who should invite me to produce the music. Because it is important for Bernadya to come out and explore. At a young age as a singer-songwriter, this is an important phase not to be trapped in the comfort zone. That's why after Rendy (Pandugo) and Lafa (Pratomo), we agreed to invite Petra (Sihombing). One new era we started, "said Adryanto Pratono.
For information, Bernadya's latest single, Kata Say They are excessive, can already be listened to on various digital music platforms. In addition, video visualizers can also be seen on the Bernadya YouTube channel.
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