Behind Fourtwnty's Ego & Brain Function Album
Fourtwnty (Instagram @fourtwntymusic)

JAKARTA - In 2018, the band Fourtwnty released their second album entitled Ego & Brain Function. Contains seven songs, there are some facts about this album.

As the title implies, Ego & Brain Function has a close meaning to its personnel. According to Ari Lesmana as a vocalist, the word ego here reflects Fourtwnty's work process.

They worked on this album with egos, which made it look different compared to Fourtwnty's previous releases. This material is a step for Fourtwnty to develop more maturely.

The band, which consists of Ari, Nuwi, and Roots, admitted that Ego & Brain Function was made imaginatively and idealistically so that it left the impression of the music they wanted to perform from the start.

One of the songs, Zona Nyaman tells the story of ambition and a fiery youth. This song is known as the soundtrack for the film Filosopi Kopi 2: Ben & Jody.

Likewise, the song Kita Pasti Tua, is a reflection of Fourtwnty when she faces conditions in old age. So, these two songs: Zona Nyaman dan Kita Pasti Tua present a story of a human's transition from adolescence, adulthood to old age.

The album Ego & Brain Function is a simple expression of Fourtwnty members in facing the world. This album is one of the most listened to to date.

After releasing Ego & Brain Function, Fourtwnty released the song Nematomorpha in April 2020. Meanwhile, as reported on their social media, the band will digitally release a new song entitled Rocking Chair.

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