JAKARTA - Ahmad Dhani as Chair of the Board of Trustees of the All-Indonesian Composters Association (AKSI) is ready to take firm steps against event organizers (EO) or music promoters who do not heed the voices of composites who are members of the ACTION.

As is well known, the composers under AKSI have implemented a direct license system, which music concert organizers are required to get permission to perform songs to their creators.

For the calls that are often echoed by AKSI members, Ahmad Dhani stated that the summons was open to concert organizers. They are ready to report the organizers if they hold a music concert and perform songs created by ACTION members without permission.

"We will provide subpoenas to all EOs in Indonesia who carry out concert activities using songs from our members, ACTION composers, without permission we will report them to the police directly," said Ahmad Dhani during a press conference in Kuningan, South Jakarta, Monday, January 22.

"Especially EO who knows me, surely they know I'm serious," he said.

Furthermore, Dhani said that his party would ask the police to come directly to concerts that did not heed the summons.

The point is that all EOs that display songs from composers who have joined and performed integrity pacts with ACTION, they all have to ask permission from ACTION. If there is no permit from ACTION, we will report it to the police, especially the permission letter from the composer who is members of the ACTION," said Ahmad Dhani.

"We will report it to the police. If necessary, we will take the police to the concert, we will arrest everything, EO and the singer," he continued.

For information, ACTION applies a direct license where users are required to pay royalties to Creators whose works are displayed in a music concert.

Royalties are paid directly to all Creators whose songs are performed without a third party intermediary.

Meanwhile, the royalty calculation is obtained from 10 percent of the payments earned by the performers. Later, the money will be distributed evenly to all songwriters whose songs are displayed.

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