JAKARTA - Garyapor dari Take That membahas pentingnya identitas seorang artis.

tip menyebut bahwa menciptakan musik sendiri adalah bagian integral dalam membentuk suara sendiri sebagai seorang artis.

"Identity is everything for an artist and I feel like when you're a songwriter, you give everything about his identity, because you're the one who created the music," My boss said in an interview with Sky Italia.

"It's definitely difficult if you don't create music to find an identity. I think it's very challenging, but we were lucky, because we wrote our own songs," he continued.

"So we created what was here [our heart] not waiting for someone to do it for us, we did it ourselves."

His bandmate on Take That, Mark Owen, agrees and attributes the group's idea of making music that they want to hear as a reason for their success and many hits.

"We are blessed. I think it's because we made the song. Maybe [because] we like our own songs, we are fans of the songs we made, so it works well," said Owen.

Take Thats itself reached the peak of their careers in the 90s where they 28 of their songs were included in Top 40 at UK Singles Chart, including 12 hits that reached the No.1 position.

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