Bernie Taupin Describes Elton John As Great Psychiatrist
Elton John and Bernie Taupin (Instagram @bernietaupinofficial)

JAKARTA - The lyricist of Sir Elton John's songs, Bernie Taupin, describes the musician as a great psychiatrist.

Speaking with Goldmine magazine for the winter edition of 2023, Taupin recalls the moment from the beginning of his songwriting career for more than five decades, where he became famous for his work as a lyricist of Elton John.

The songwriter told the publication that John was one of the first people he had contacted for advice, calling it the "greatest psychiatrist".

"If you need to get something out of your trust, he's the first person you have to meet to get an easy answer," said Taupin.

He's really constant. You can always count on it.

Then, he spoke more deeply about John's role in his growing career, stating he relied heavily on John at the start of their partnership.

"I'm like a fish coming out of the water and flooding in a big city," continued Taupin.

"So he's really a supporter to lean and he does it amazingly and takes care of me and ensures that I'm not abused by other people's cynical mindsets that might think I'm a little wet and green, when in fact I'm not. I'm much smarter than they value.

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