JAKARTA - Dave Grohl spent his holiday on the current Foo Fighters tour in Australia by feeding the homeless.

Grohl volunteer at Melbourne-based charity The Big Umbrella Foundation on Friday last week, according to News.au, treating people in need of an epic American-style BBQ with all its facilities.

The organization shared Grohl's post on their Instagram, accompanied by a statement telling the story of how he could work with them.

This will be a day our friends will never forget when they meet a rock legend and one of the best people in the world who really care about people in need. No words can fully describe the impact of this positive experience, "they started."

"Dave and his friends... spent 18 hours preparing and lovingly absorbing 120kg of pig ribs, pig buttocks, and cow blistet before sending them to the MG kitchen the next morning. The MG kitchen, named after our best friend and mentor Michael Gudinski, was filled by a large-hearted and dedicated Frontier tour crew who dedicated their day to preparing this special lunch for people who experience food insecurity."

They arrived at 9 am in the kitchen of MG with the energy and enthusiasm to prepare soft roll potatoes filled with tug-of-war pork, collegeslaw and spurs, smoke ribs, and delicious lambur sandung meat... At Fed Square, there are many friends waiting under the hot weather 36 degrees Celsius for this much-awaited party. News has spread far among the public who don't know what super special star guests will be present that day to serve them. Invitations to enjoy American BBQ have been quite an attraction for them."

'Dave, Nick, and Nat serve tirelessly in the hot heat for more than 2 hours by serving 430 servings of food, posing for photos, signing whatever people find from cardboard and t-shirt plates while remaining humble. Amazing man! Great day!'

This isn't the first time Grohl has taken the time from his schedule to feed the homeless. In March, he helped at BBQ Hope Of The Valley in Los Angeles, cook and serve 450 people for 18 hours, and did the same for the LA Feed The Streets.

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