JAKARTA - Taylor Swift revealed the intensive training she went through in preparation for her big 'Eras' tour.

In a new interview with Time magazine, which named the pop star Person of the Year 2023, Swift opened up about what it takes to be able to feature an intense and more than three hours of show every night.

Each show includes more than 40 songs performed from nine albums, 16 costume changes, fireworks techniques, optical illusions where he appears to jump onto stage and swim, and two world cottagecores decorated with many moss.

Speaking to the media, Swift revealed her tiring training routine.

"Every day I run on a treadmill, sing a whole set of lists out loud... fasting for a quick song, and dancing or walking fast for a slow song... Then I had three months of dancing training, because I wanted to practice it," Swift said.

"I want to train excessively so I can be ridiculous to fans, and don't lose my mind," continued the pop star.

He continued and explained why keeping his strength through intense training was key.

"I know I'm going to be at that stage whether I'm sick, hurt, heartbroken, uncomfortable, or stressed... It's part of my identity as a human right now. If someone bought my concert ticket, I'd play it unless there was a force majeure state."

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