JAKARTA - Monita Tahalea is known as one of the music listeners from Banda Neira, a duo group consisting of Rara Sekar and Ananda Badudu.

During the party event last September, Monita had the opportunity to appear with Ananda Badudu by performing Banda Neira's songs.

From the many responses of fans, Monita said that her appearance at that time was not to replace Rara Sekar. According to him, Isyana Sarasvati's older brother was an irreplaceable figure in Banda Neira.

For me, Rara Sekar will not be replaced. What he did in Banda Neira will definitely forever be attached to the hearts of his fans," said Monita Tahalea in Menteng, Central Jakarta some time ago.

Monita feels unable to replace Rara Sekar's position. After all, Rara's position is not to be replaced. His collaboration with Ananda Badudu is to revive Banda Neira's music on stage.

"In fact, the goal is not to replace, but to continue to support. Like yesterday with Ananda, to continue to liven up the song, not at all to replace it," said Monita.

"It will not be replaced," he said.

What Monita Tahalea stated was in line with Ananda Badudu's upload on her Instagram account. He said Rara Sekar was irreplaceable.

Furthermore, Ananda Badudu also mentioned on his Instagram account that Banda Neira practically disbanded in 2017.

Banda Neira (RIP 2012-2017), wrote Ananda Badudu.

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