Monita Tahalea Believes Human Integrity Cannot Be Equated With AI
Monita Tahalea (Instagram @monitahalea)

JAKARTA - Highlighting the use of artificial intelligence (AI) or artificial intelligence in the creation of musical works, Monita Tahalea sees other elements that make humans superior.

Monita considers that humans have an emotional side and trust that affects the works created.

"If I believe that humans have three, intellectual intelligence, emotional intelligence and spiritual intelligence. As an artist, it is undeniable that his body is all channeled there, and his emotions, but also what he believes, what he has been living so far, it is all contained in his works," said Monita Tahalea in Menteng, Central Jakarta some time ago.

For Monita, musicians must be open to all developments of the times. However, he still feels that divine interference is also an important factor when humans work.

When working there are other factors that are beyond our experience and our skills. There are factors that are dive intervention, those that make works can be impactful not only from hearing, but can also really be meaningful for the connoisseur or for those who do it," he said.

Monita mengatakan, manusia selama hidupnya harus terus mengaktualisasi diri. Seiring kemajuan teknologi, ia meyakini manusia juga akan semakin maju.

"Yes, AI can also move forward, we as human beings must also develop. Self-actualization must be," said Monita.

"As long as we live in this world, our goal is to actualize ourselves. We will not be at a stage where we know everything. Until we are old, we will continue to be people who learn new things," he continued.

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