JAKARTA - Dozens of children and adolescents who are members of the Jakarta Philharmonic Choir (JPC) choir have undergone their last training as well as a dirty rehearsal at Unika Atma Jaya, South Jakarta on Sunday, September 10 yesterday.
Aminoto Kosin, who is known as the keyboardist of the Karimata band and has received music education at Berklee College of Music, United States, plays a music arranger. He said the concert preparations for Saturday, September 16 were going well.
"So far it's been really good. Today (Sunday, ed), we will touch up the less. A little improvements, children's training so that we memorize the sequence of songs," said Aminoto Kosin in an official statement received by VOI, Monday, September 11.
Meanwhile, Sukanty Sidharta as the conductor of JPC and the chairman of the JPC concert committee stated that those who are members of the choir will continue to prepare optimally ahead of the concert.
Not without reason, because the choir team will later sing by doing the choreography that has been prepared.
"We did the most optimal exercise in the midst of the condition of children who are sick," said Sukantu Sidharta.
"The incident is that these children haven't had one year, we want to challenge them. Apart from singing they also do choreography," he continued.
JPC's inaugural concert will also present Gabriel Harvianto as a guest star. He is a singer who started his career with the late Elfa Secioria.
Gabriel has also been a vocal coach at Elfa Music School 2002-2007 and Erwin Gutawa Music School since 2018 until now. He is also active as an active singer professional on many musical performances.
Gabriel, who initially admitted that he was shocked when he learned that he would appear happy to have the opportunity to appear with JPC. This concert is his first concert and first experience for him.
"I felt nervous, when I heard, 'oh, this is a concert', eh, there is a concert? How did it feel. Wow, the first concert was big. It was also the first time for me, right? So I'm a little surprised, I'm just happy that our names can spread. So, okay," said Gabriel Harvianto.
For information, the JPC concert on September 16 will be held at the Usmar Ismail Building, Kuningan, South Jakarta.
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