JAKARTA - Guitarist Padi, Piyu, together with Ahmad Dhani, Badai, Dewi Lestari, Rieke Roslan, and Angga Saleh held a meeting with Mien Usihen as Director General of HAKI to discuss more appropriate HAKI governance.

The news was discovered through Piyu's Instagram which uploaded several photos during the meeting on Monday.

"This afternoon a meeting with the Director General of Intellectual Property, Mrs. Mien Usihen, SH, MH for improved HAKI governance, transparent and of course more explicitly protecting songwriters so that in the future there will be no different interpretations or understandings and even opposing the use of song works," he opened.

"Because the essence is that when the work is released there, the moral right to the work will be attached for life even to their children and grandchildren in the future.

"Thank you also to Prof. Agus and Dr. Minola Sebayang SH, MH who have accompanied us earlier, especially in guarding from the legal side and invitees," he concluded.

This is a firm step from the representative of the Indonesian musicians so that musicians get a more prosperous life until the end of time.

At the same time, the hope for prospective Indonesian musicians to believe more if they can live worth the music they make.

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