JAKARTA In an interview session on the Berizik Podcast episode 337 at Noice some time ago, Pongki Barata mentioned four musicians and bands that influenced his musical journey so far.

First, Rick Astley. He is arguably anti-hero in that era. That means like this, at first he was a tea maker at the recording studio. But, as good as it is, it was the producer who saw Rick Astley, finally he dared to bet that Rick Astley would be famous," he explained.

"And he actually thinks that Rick Astley is like people in general," he said.

Second, The Beatles. The Beatles, their war on world music is known to like to donate chords. So, various jazz chords that are only used in jazz songs, they also apply to pop music. Without people knowing it's actually jazz-owned chord. That's why his works are so expensive," he said.

"And their days were in the 60s, between songwriters and singers, they were usually different people. So there's nothing like the term now there's no singlers. Now they come to break it all down," he added.

"Third, Sting. According to me, this stunt is the sexiest man. Not only physically, but also musically. He even still made an album until now," he said.

"And I really like the principle of him where he always collaborates with anyone. Whether it's under him or not. Amazingly, in all of his albums there's never been the same," he continued.

"So, there are reggae, rock, dance, so there are no limits. At that time he was researched, I watched it at National Geograpahi, so basically his brain is not the same as normal humans, so he can create various great works until now," said the bassist of The Dance Company.

'Fourth, Def Leppard. The only band that when the drummer's hand is dead, is not abandoned. According to me, the story will have high value someday," he said.

The drummer seemed like that because of an accident, in the end, he was waiting until he could play again. The point is, this band is solid, it's a good score. That's it, this band is more or less the same stage action when they were in the 70s," he concluded.

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