JAKARTA Former Ramones drummer, Marky, responded to a video upload from Xtreme Merch's Twitter account. The video contains a choir of students singing I Wanna Be Sedated in the school classroom with the guitar accompaniment of the teacher named Si Putri.

I've been to Indonesia twice with my band and it's really amazing! Hope to see you again soon #GuruRock #Muridselih," said Marky.

Marky came to Indonesia for the first time alone in 2011. After that, he returned to attend 2017 at Hard Rock Cafe's birthday celebration in Jakarta.

For information, Marky joined Ramones to replace Tommy who died of cancer in 1978. After briefly leaving in 1983, Marky rejoined Ramones four years later to replace Elvis.

After undergoing various formation changes, Ramones decided to disband in 1996. The band, which is considered the first punk rock group in the world, has fortunately left traces of his works until now, including I Wanna Be Sedated.

The song, which resides in their fourth album titled Road to Ruin (1978), is included in the list of the 500 best songs of all time according to Rolling Stone magazine in 145th place.

Also, in 1999, this song was also present in the composition of one hundred most influential musical works in the 20th century in the NPR 100 made by National Public Radio, America.

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