JAKARTA - The proud rock and roll band from Semarang, Central Java, Powerslaves will surprise you in early May. They had prepared something special for the hometown.

Powerslaves was formed in Semarang on April 19, 1991. Their first appearance took place at the “Rock Merdeka” event at the Faculty of Forestry, Gadjah Mada University, Yogyakarta in the same year. That's where the beginning of the name Powerslaves known to many people.

Meanwhile, Semarang will commemorate its 475th anniversary on May 2, 2022. At that moment, Heydi Ibrahim et al will re-release the hit single Semarang, the original version of which resides in their fourth album, Powerslaves (2001).

Powerslaves (Doc. Powerslaves)

Titled Semarang (Remastered), this song was re-recorded by the latest formation. Apart from Heydi on vocals, of course there will also be Anwar Fatahillah (bass), Wiwiex Soedarno (keyboards) and Agung Yudha (drums). In the original version, there are no names for Wiwiex and Agung.

"Semarang is a song that tells about the longing for the city of birth. There are many memories, hopes, warmth and love that grow and even collapse in this corner of the city," said Heydi in his official statement.

The release of the song Semarang also coincides with the moment of Eid Al-Fitr 1443 Hijriyah, where this time the government has again allowed people to go home after the two previous Eids we had to refrain from returning home.

Over the past two years, nomads, especially residents of Semarang, Central Java and the surrounding areas must have felt a longing for their hometown. They want to meet relatives and close relatives.

The Semarang song itself is not only intended for the residents of Lumpia City. So many people have memories of this city even though they were not born or lived there. There are those who only go through school, college, or work. But, there are also those who find a mate in this city.

"Semarang's song is like a time machine, which is able to take the listener to the past. Dive into all the moments; cheerful and sad, which makes an impression on the heart," said Heydi.

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