JAKARTA - Importer as well as official distributor of Harley-Davidson in Indonesia, PT JLM Auto Indonesia announced the official event for the first of this brand, namely Indonesia Harley Fest 2025.

This event is a milestone for the company and drivers and lovers of this iconic brand in Indonesia by presenting a different experience at Melasti Beach, Bali on February 15, 2025.

"We from JLM Auto are proud to present the first international Harley-Davidson event which will be held on February 15 at Melasti Beach, Bali," said Sales & Marketing Director of PT JLM Auto Indonesia, Irvino Edwardly in the announcement of this event at Midaz Senayan, Jakarta, Friday, January 31.

Carrying the theme 'United We Ride', the event will present freedom, adventure, and togetherness for Harley-Davidson users and fans in the country.

"It is hoped that this will take Indonesia's name internationally, as one of the countries with the largest Harley community in the world," explained Irvino.

This is a form of our appreciation for all Harley lovers in Indonesia. We will make a full event, namely "United We Ride" bringing together all harley owners for one day, added Marketing Communication Manager of PT JLM Auto Indonesia, Mardiono Sugiarto.

The Indonesia Harley Fest 2025 will be celebrated for one full day by presenting various interesting activities, ranging from exhibitions showing off the latest Harley-Davidson motorcycle model to iconic classic collections.

Then, this event will display several Harley-Davidson custom motorcycles participating in the HD Custom Kings Indonesia competition, various exciting games, exclusive merchandise series, as well as live music performances that present well-known national musicians such as /rif and other music entertainment such as DJ.

As part of this grand event, it will be attended by all HOG chapters in Indonesia as well as Malaysia, Thailand, the Philippines, and the United States. This journey affirms the sense of unity and adventure that defines the Harley-Davidson community.

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