JAKARTA - The Vespa 946 Dragon scooter is now officially present in the Indian market after it was first introduced at the beginning of this year in Hong Kong. In fact, this model comes specially to celebrate Chinese New Year 2024.
Different from the mass-sold standard model, Vespa 946 Dragon is presented in a limited way to only 1,888 units in the world. Unfortunately, the brand did not mention how much was obtained for the market with the capital New Delhi.
Reporting from RushLane, Tuesday, July 2, this model is equipped with various fashion items and accessories, such as Dragon Helmet and Dragon Varsity Jacket exclusively with similar dragon designs in vehicles, as well as accessories dedicated specifically to Vespa 946 Dragons, such as flyscreens with gold ornaments and leather bags made of the same material as vehicle seats.
In addition, there is an Emerald Green color effect spread from the front apron to the side panel, while the body is given a light gold color to the rearview mirror and tail rack.
Despite these features, he still uses LED headlights, body-colored rearview mirrors, and single seating arrangements with adequate leg space for motorists.
This motor has equipment as a 12-inch rim standard and uses one leading shock link at the front. The model is built with a steel plate monocoque framework with shock damping at the front and a preload shock damping at the back that can be adjusted to the dual-channel ABS system.
Manufacturers also present Vestpa Dragon varisity jackets made from Nappa knitted and leather materials, with a embroider in the left pocket and back panel. The front panel of the jacket features Vespa's iconic V monogram which is juxtaposed with anzarrud green dragon embroider on the back and ancient Chinese saying on the front.
Globally, Vespa 946 Dragon is offered in 125 cc and 155 cc versions. However, in India only 155 cc options are provided.
With this attractive offer, of course the model will be hunted by collectors. In India, the motorbike is priced at 1.4 million rupees (IDR 280.3 million) making it the most expensive Vespa in the country. This price is more expensive than the one offered in Indonesia worth IDR 267 million.
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