JAKARTA - Every two-wheeled user certainly wants to stay safe before driving, one of the things that must be done is looking back, even though it looks trivial but it becomes an important thing. According to the Head of Safety Riding Promotion of PT Wahana Makmur Sejati (WMS) Agus Sani, looking back before riding a motorcycle is one of many ways to realize a safe search for a motorbike. This is simple, but important. Unfortunately, many motorcyclists have not practiced it. Looking back, it is important if the driver stops by the side of the road or wants to start traveling using a motorcycle," he said, in his official statement, Monday, May 13. According to the man who is familiarly called Agus, looking back has a good goal, namely to make the driver's view wider. As well as ensuring the situation is safe. Indeed, there is a rearview mirror on a motorcycle that has a vital function to know the conditions around, but the mirror has limited views, especially towards the back,' added Agus.

Agus said that because in Indonesia using the left lane, motorists are advised to stop at the safe area on the left side of the road. He gave an example, such as stopping at the shop, before restarting their journey, it is recommended to look to the right behind. "If you don't look at the rear right, the driver can't necessarily make sure the situation behind him is safe. Who knows there are other vehicles that are speeding up towards him. This can endanger himself and other road users. So, don't forget to always look back before gas so that it remains safe on the road, "he said. However, he added, in certain situations, looking to the right and left behind can also be done. For example, if it stops in the middle of the area around the Traffic Signer Tool (APILL) or the railroad crossing door, Agus concluded.

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