JAKARTA - PT Hyundai Motor Indonesia (HMID) officially launched an Ioniq 5 Limited Edition electric car, which comes with several changes both from the exterior and interior sides.

Interestingly, the Hyundai Ioniq 5 Limited Edition this time comes at a touch of batik, which is available at less than 50 units in Indonesia.

"Why batik? Because it is a legacy from Indonesian culture," said Chief Operating Officer of PT HMID Fransiscus Soerjopranoto, during the iftar media, in the SCBD area, Jakarta, Thursday, March 20.

At first glance, the exterior of the limited edition of the Hyundai Ioniq 5 is equipped with a batik feel. For example, the front bumper to the rim. Not only that, the front lamp Garnish also has batik motifs and also a molding front area with brown soga, to the back.

Entering the interior, this limited edition car is embedded in a light gray color with a Nappa leather material seat, as well as metal accent design details that follow the Kawung pattern. The horns, switches, steering and trim doors are made from a mixture of grains, flowers and corn and natural paint that have been extracted.

In addition, the design of Kawung motifs and brown Soga colors is embedded in the door made of environmentally friendly Paperette materials.

He further said that the presence of the Hyundai Ioniq 5 batik was relatively good, and the company saw that consumers in Indonesia wanted to have a limited (model).

"Public acceptance of Ioniq 5 batik is very good, what we see is that consumers in Indonesia want to have a limited one, so we prepare it," he explained.

Unfortunately, Hyundai has not disclosed the price of the Hyundai Ioniq limited edition. How much is the right price?

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