JAKARTA - The automotive manufacturer from Vietnam, VinFast, is certain to add to the line-up line-up of its electric car in Indonesia, the new model in question will launch this February.

Viewed by VOI on the Instagram social media page @vinfast.indonesia, Saturday, February 1, the brand from Naga Biru Country released a new car teaser which, if you pay attention to details, is VF 3.

"Testing with VinFast will soon enter the latest chapter. Ready to explore the latest modern world that will soon arrive in Indonesia?", VinFast tweeted on the Instagram page.

VinFast VF 3 sebelumnya beberapa kali tertangkap kamera sedang uji jalan di Indonesia, yang mengindikasikan model ini tak lama akan meluncur. Bahkan, dipastikan pada Februari ini.

"February 2025, VinFast will invite VinFam to start a new adventure with the latest electric car in Indonesia," VinFast tweeted on Instagram.

Later, the car will compete directly with Wuling Air ev. So what are the specifications?

The car has a tiny dimension with a length of 3,190 mm, a width of 1,679 mm, a height of 1,652 mm.

Referring to Vietnamese specifications, this car is embedded with an LFP (Lithium Iron Phosphate) battery with a capacity of 18.64 kWh combined with an electric motorbike, generating 40 hp of power and a peak torque of 110 Nm.

The battery capacity is capable of providing a range of 210 km in one full charge. Interested in this one car?

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