JAKARTA - Today, it is exactly 15 years since Harry Roesli's departure. His work remains immortal. Lamunai Records, one of Indonesia's independent record labels has come forward to preserve the Professor's work. Harry Roesli's name never went out. As the message before his death.
If there is Harry Roesli's last request before his death, perhaps it is a message not to turn off the lights in his study. At least that is the story that is circulating among his family and his art lovers.
Some time after the message was mandated, Harry Roesli breathed his last at his house on Jalan Supratman 57 Bandung. The address is the same place where Harry Roesli lives with an art community consisting of street artists. The community is named Depot Kreasi Seni Bandung.
From house number 57, various musical works of Harry Roesli were born. Music that was not only profound, but also progressive and full of experimentation at that time. Harry Roesli was ordained by many people as the foundation for the founding of contemporary music culture. Harry Roesli was even named Indonesia's First Professor of Music Education by the Indonesian Record Museum (MURI).
And most importantly, Harry Roesli's music, which was full of social criticism, had a big influence as the defender of the fate of the marginalized people that day. Harry Roesli's music is filled with a spirit of rebellion. The long-haired man with the Sundanese accent is indeed known as a rebellious figure. His songs during the New Order era were often intercepted by the authorities.
Just listen to one of his songs entitled Malaria, released in 1973. The late Denny Sakrie even called the song a metaphor describing the condition of the Indonesian nation at that time. The song was released by Harry Roesli with his band, The Gang of Harry Roesli on the album "Philosophy Gang". Another song, Ciociocio Werkewer is just as loud.

In the song, Harry Roesli sings with orchestral music. The lyrics lead satire to many names in power circles. Call it Akbar Tanjung to the most famous fugitive, Eddy Tansil, a businessman of Chinese descent who escaped from the Cipinang Penitentiary, Jakarta on May 4, 1996.
Finally, in 2001, Harry Roesli even had to deal with the police for singing a play on the Garuda Pancasila song. Harry Roesli's son, Layala Khrisna Patria, spoke of the terror-filled situation that Harry Roesli has endured throughout his musical career. In the New Order era, in particular. At that time, Harry Roesli always used video shows containing a collection of articles about the Trisakti tragedy as a backdrop in each of his performances.
"At that time, the big media reported as if in the video who was caught shooting. Since then you have been terrorized, every gig has been put on bulletproof ... I was really afraid that, because we knew your intention was only to pour out the incident but people reacted to it. to want to kill, "said Layala to CNN Indonesia, last year.
Harry Roesli's spirit of rebellion grew since he was little. Harry Roesli is the son of Roeshan Roesli, a retired TNI TNI Major General. Her mother is a doctor named Edyana. Although living in luxury. Harry Roesli was restless. His love for music was completely opposed by his parents. However, he was lucky enough that his three siblings were standing by his side. He was finally given permission to play music on the condition that his education continued.
Just listen to Harry Roesli's music. You must like it. If not, you will be amazed by the musicality. Or at least the mesmerists are intrigued by the witty lyrics. At the beginning of his appearance, Harry Roesli's music was heavily influenced by Rolling Stone, Gentle Giant, and Frank Zappa. He made his musical debut with a Rolling Stone-style band called Batu Karang.
Harry Roesli's big step into the world of music was when he studied Mechanical Engineering at the Bandung Engineering Institute (ITB). On campus, he formed a band called The Gang of Harry Roesli. The band he founded with Albert Warnerin, Iwan A Rachman, and Indra Rivai in 1970. A year on, The Gang of Harry Roesli released his debut album entitled "Philosophy Gang".
There are many crazy things behind The Gang of Harry Roesli's activities. Indra Rivai told CNN Indonesia that the name The Gang of Harry Roesli suddenly appeared when the process for the album was finished. "We went to Jakarta, slept at his house. Recorded ngulik there, then discussed the name of the band. He was just silent."
"When the album was finished, suddenly the name Gang of Harry Roesli was printed ... No one protested, wong had already become the album and cover," recalled Indra.

Another interesting thing was revealed by Indra about the mixing process of the album "Philosophy Gang". At that time, Harry always mentioned the name Lion Record as the studio where they did the mixing of the album. The funny thing is, Indra said that the name Lion Record was only engineered by Harry Roesli. I don't know the truth. What is clear, the name Lion Records is plastered on a number of online music streaming platforms as the studio behind the "Philosophy Gang" to this day.
"He said mixing at Lion Record in Singapore, because in the past the style could also get there. But after a long time it was discovered that the Lion Record didn't exist, it was just a grocery store there ... He was ridiculous. Recording in a well-known studio like Musica is enough. But, it was cool that maybe we could go abroad, "said Indra.
Luckily for the next generation, Harry Roesli's work is preserved to this day. Lamunai Records, an independent record label from Jakarta, deserves appreciation. The decision to re-release Harry Roesli's two albums was a devoted step towards local musical works.
In 2017, Lamunai Records re-released "Philosophy Gang" into various mediums, both digital and physical. The release of this legendary album was followed by the release of another historic album by Harry Roesli in August 2019: "Opera Rock 'Ken Arock'".

Representing Lamunai Records, Rendi Pratama mentioned Harry Roesli's works as important milestones in the development of Indonesian music. And Lamunai Records will not stop at "Opera Rock 'Ken Arock'" ". According to Rendi, Lamunai Records is preparing to re-release Titik Api album early next year.
"We chose two albums (Philosophy Gang and Rock Opera 'Ken Arock') because those two are the first two albums from Harry Roesli Gang. We plan to release the album 'Titik Api' as well early next year so we can complete the Harry Roesli Gang trilogy," said Rendi. to VOI, Wednesday, December 11.
Philosophy Gang by Harry Roesli Gang
Opera Rock - Ken Arok by Harry Roesli Gang
According to Rendi, The Gang of Harry Roesli trilogy is a bridge for the development of Indonesian music in the following eras. "The initial three (albums) were also a new musical concept at that time in Indonesia. So, maybe this gang was arguably more advanced in that era. Each album has a different style," said Rendi.
For Lamunai Records, preserving Harry Roesli's work is to perpetuate greatness. The greatness to which every generation of life is entitled. "Because the target is to spread it for current listeners or young listeners," said Rendi.
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