JAKARTA - Ethiopia is one of the countries that has shifted direction from Marxism to democracy. After 17 years in existence, the Marxist regime in Ethiopia was overthrown by the Ethiopian People's Revolutionary Democratic Front (EPRDF).

Ethiopia began to implement a Marxist-style socialist-communist government system after successfully overthrowing Emperor Haile Selassie in 1974. The left succeeded in overthrowing the monarchy system, then executed thousands of political opponents and unified itself with the Soviet Union (USSR).

Quoting History, in the 1980s during the leadership of Mengistu Haile Mariam, Ethiopia began to be hit by many problems. Among them is the war with Somalia and a drought that has resulted in starvation for the Ethiopian people. From there the internal conflict began to grow.

For example, in 1985-1986. As quoted by Britannica, the majority of the citizens of Eritrea and Tigray began to rebel against the government. Fronts of the movement against the government emerged.

In December 1987, the Eritrean People's Liberation Front (EPLF) began a revolt until it succeeded in taking weapons from government forces. One year later, the movement expanded. The EPLF began making its offensive alliance with the Tigray People's Liberation Front (TPLF) which has long championed Tigray's autonomy and for the restoration of Ethiopia based on ethnic autonomy.

The crisis is getting more and more difficult to contain. The government of the Soviet Union, as a friendly country, refused the Ethiopian government's request for help to send more weapons. As a result, in February 1989 a series of defeats on the part of the government was inevitable.

The two rebel groups then together formed the Ethiopian People's Revolutionary Democratic Front (EPRDF). The strengthening of their strength made it easier for their troops to advance into the provinces of Gonder and Welo.

By May 1991, EPRDF forces had taken control of Tigray, Welo, Gonder, Gojam and about half of Shewa. It is clear that the government army no longer has the morale, manpower, weapons and leadership sufficient to stop the advancement of the rebels in the capital Addis Ababa.

Finally, President Mengistu fled to Zimbabwe and on this day, May 28, 29 years ago or in 1991, EPRDF forces took power. Soon, a transitional government was formed with Meles Zenawi as president.

Zenawi claims that they will democratize Ethiopia through recognition of the country's ethnic heterogeneity. In July 1991, a new democratic constitution was drafted and implemented to this day.

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