JAKARTA - I don't know how many times Indonesia Mods Mayday was held. What is clear, the last time is quite a long time ago. 2019, to be exact. Mods Mayday is working class day, in the perspective of the modernists who are synonymous with Vespa and fashion.
One of the celebrations in 2019 was held at Pine Hill Cibodas, Lembang, West Bandung Regency. As far as memory goes, the Beat Boys community has managed to gather so many Vespa lovers from all over Indonesia.
The event started at the Perjuangan Monument. From there, thousands of scooters convoy, aka rolling to Jalan Teuku Umar-Dago-Siliwangi-Cihampelas-Cipaganti-Setiabudhi-Lembang-Maribaya-Pine Hill. At the peak of the event, music and other events, including fashion contests, are presented.
Yes, Vespa, music, and fashion are identities attached to modernists who are also commonly called mods. Through Mods Mayday, the working class shows their existence in a modernist perspective.
About mods / modernists
Mods or modernists is a subculture that was formed in London, England in the early 1960s. The term mods is taken from the modern jazz music genre that was loved by London youth in the post-war period.
The issue of the working class in the perspective of mods is not commemorated through public Labor Day activities, such as long marches or demonstrations to claim rights. Mods actually elevate their existence as a lifestyle wave that is closely related to scooters, fashion and music.
In one of the most influential literatures in mods existence, Absolute Beginners, writes Colin Macinnes, mods are described as "young fans of modern jazz wearing modern Italian clothing that stands out."
At the beginning of its appearance, mods showed a glamorous impression in their appearance. There is a reason. The British social and political situation at that time played a major role in shaping the form of such mods.

Britain's victory in the second world war had a big impact, including the economic prosperity of the people. The amount of wages of the workers also increased.
Young people at that time did not have to bother to support their family finances. They are free to enjoy the abundance of money from their own work.
Melissa M. Casburn, in an article entitled A Concise History of the British Mod Movement, explains that empowerment is also driven by technological developments that are starting to move. Technology reduces the need for human labor. Even young British, who are financially empowered, have the flexibility of time.
"Due to the postwar baby boom, Britain became a younger country, opening up more lucrative markets to serve and exploit. In the early 1960s, nearly 40 percent of the (British) population was under 25 years of age," wrote Casburn, as quoted by Kumparan. .
It permeates through popular culture
Mods lasts in time and spreads to many circles through various popular cultures. Music and The Who, for example.
Formed in England in 1964, The Who was initially fronted by Pete Townshend (guitar), Roger Daltrey (vocals), John Entwistle (bass), and Keith Moon (drums). This formation is considered the most solid.
Apart from The Who, other bands that are synonymous with mods are The Small Faces, The Animals, The Yardbirds, The Kings, Georgie Fame, to The Spencer.
Apart from music, novels, and many other literacies, the mods movement also spreads through films. Again, The Who is the character.
In 1979, The Who released a film called Quadrophenia, based on the title of their 1973 album. Quadrophenia depicts the depiction of the mods subculture from the perspective of its adherent Jimmy.
Jimmy is depicted through various identical things, such as scooters, fashion and music. Having been criticized for being considered irrelevant to the times and values of society, Quadrophenia actually aroused the enthusiasm of British youths to revive the prestige of mods.
Although not the only lighter, it was from Quadrophenia that the second wave mods or so-called revivalist mods began. Apart from Quadrophenia, the appearance of The Jam at Wembley at the 1978 Great British Music Festival was one of the markers.
The band, manned by Paul Weller, Rick Buckler, and Bruce Foxton, is known as the group that led the mods revivalist era. The brit-pop generation that was born in the 90s was also splashed with the influence of the mod revivalist. Just look at Oasis, Ride, even Blur?
* Read other information about CLASS WORKERS or read other interesting writings from Yudhistira Mahabharata.
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