JAKARTA Memories of today, seven years ago, December 7, 2017, the recommendation for consumption of rice fields as a substitute for meat by the Minister of Agriculture (Mentan), Amran Sulaiman, to the Indonesian people has drawn criticism. Amran is considered to have no sense of concern for the suffering of the people.
Previously, the government's organization to present quality and cheap beef brought a new idea. Minister of Agriculture Amran is an example. He had the idea that the Indonesian people would use rice fields instead of beef.
The need for beef is quite high. However, Indonesia is listed as a country with low trade consumption. This condition makes the Indonesian government struggle to present beef that can be reached and consumed nationally.
The mandate of the Law on Trade also benefits meat as one of the eleven commodities that are prioritized. The government is also required to be able to keep the meat supply maintained and affordable. However, in its implementation sometimes misses.
The government sometimes cannot control the price of meat. This condition makes the government often bring in instant solutions: meat imports. The expensive price of meat makes many people unable to reach it.
The government should be responsible and immediately look for solutions so that the price of meat can be affordable. Minister of Agriculture Amran is quite different. Instead of thinking that solutions can make meat prices affordable, he actually finds other alternative solutions.
He advised the Indonesian people to immediately consume rice fields. He considered rice fields to have protein that is also high, no less than meat. He revealed the statement during a surprise inspection of the Cipinang Market on December 4, 2017.
"Don't make the wrong rice fields are high protein. Moreover, meat is expensive," Amran said as quoted on the tempo.co page, December 7, 2017.
Minister of Agriculture Amran's statement then provoked a polemic. Netizens immediately criticized Amran's statement which was deemed out of work. Amran should be able to tackle the problem of expensive meat with his authority as minister and consult other ministers to find a solution.
Amran even gave an instant solution and was lazy to think. The issue of Amran's rice cake advice was also included in the DPR Plenary Session on December 7, 2017. Politician from the Greater Indonesia Movement Party (Gerindra), Bambang Haryo Soekartono, condemned Amran's statement.
He thought Amran had made a fuss with the solution for the rice fields. He said Amran had no responsibility and had no concern for the community. Even though he is a minister who should find a solution, not let go of his hands and ask the people to change meat to rice fields.
"Regarding this rice field, it is a statement that you have no responsibility. There is no concern for the community".
"This has violated the law and this is no longer responsible. So it is impossible for the rice fields to be rendang, so it's rawon, soto, or become meatballs. Even though our 15 million MSMEs are meatball sellers," said Bambang, quoted by the Java Pos page, December 7, 2017.
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