JAKARTA - Director of Development of PT Bursa Efek Indonesia (IDX) Jeffrey Hendrik said that the joining of Indonesia as a member of the Brazilian, Russian, Indian, Chinese and South African alliances (BRICS) is expected to have a direct and indirect impact on the capital market in the country.
Jeffrey hopes to join Indonesia as a member of the BRICS alliance, there is a flow of investment into the country, especially from BRICS countries so that it can increase economic activity.
"What is direct, of course, we hope that there will be an incoming investment flow, from fellow BRICS countries, of course we hope. What is indirect is of course from the economic activity, from this collaboration it can increase economic activity in the country," he told the media crew, October 10.
According to Jeffrey, another indirect impact of this collaboration can increase domestic economic activity so that it can encourage the performance of issuers listed on the stock exchange, as well as improve overall market performance.
However, Jeffrey conveyed that challenges or market turmoil always exist, both periodic and situational and we have been able to deal with it in collaboration and synergy between related parties.
"It's not possible that the stock exchange itself. In narrower spots, for example, between our SRO, there is also coordination, then with the OJK, with the financial industry, until the national scale there are forums that are formed to guard it," he explained.
Jeffrey said there had been no further discussions with exchanges from other countries and existing international cooperation with the Hong Kong Exchange.
"We haven't discussed it yet. It hasn't gotten there yet. What we have collaborated with us is the Hong Kong Exchange. With other exchanges, there hasn't been any," he concluded.
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