JAKARTA - Today, 12 years ago, December 1, 2012, the Governor of DKI Jakarta, Joko Widodo (Jokowi) officially distributed the first phase of the Jakarta Smart Card (KJP) in two schools in Jakarta. The total number of KJP distributed by the DKI Jakarta government reached 3,008 students from 111 schools (12 countries and 99 private sectors) for the first phase.

Previously, the Governor and Deputy Governor of DKI Jakarta, Jokowi and Basuki Tjahaja Purnama (Ahok) had promised to present KJP for school children in their campaign. KJP is an alternative aid for the operational costs of school children.

Education is an important part in creating the next generation of intelligent and useful nations. Education studies can later make them achieve the ideals they want. However, matters of pursuing education are not easy.

Anyone who wants to take education, will certainly need additional funds. Sometimes when this fund business becomes a burdensome thing for underprivileged students. This condition makes them threatened with dropping out of school.

Jokowi-Ahok tried to record this phenomenon when he came forward as a cagub and cawagub caddat in the 2012 DKI Jakarta Pilgub. The two of them worked with the winning team to try to design a program in an appropriate manner. Later the program was known as KJP.

KJP itself is an convenience provided by Jokowi-Ahok for school children in the teaching and learning process. Students can take KJP money for student school operational needs, not pay for school.

The nominal value of each school child is different. SMA or SMK will be given IDR 240 thousand per month, junior high school IDR 210 thousand per month, and SD IDR 180 thousand per gram. The money can later be taken every 1 date which is notabene early in the month.

Jokowi-Ahok's idea was also able to win the hearts of the people. Many people think that the idea of KJP to be very realistic is realized compared to the promises of other candidates. Ulam's beloved peak arrives. Jokowi-Ahok finally officially became the new Governor and Deputy Governor of DKI Jakarta on October 15, 2012.

"I see that in the villages. You don't have to go far in Jakarta, there are still many only elementary, junior high school graduates who don't end. Therefore, KJP will help children," Jokowi was quoted as saying by Michael Frankwin Umbas in the book Solus1 Jokow1 (2014).

Jokowi did not forget his campaign promise. He immediately closed the plan to give KJP to school children. As a result, Jokowi then inaugurated the launch of the first KJP in two direct places in Jakarta on December 1, 2012.

First, Jokowi distributed KJP for 1,657 students at Yappenda High School, Tanjung Priok, North Jakarta. Second, Jokowi will distribute 1,066 KJP at Paskalis High School, Kamayoran, Central Jakarta. In total, the Jokowi government will distribute KJP to 3,008 students for phase one from 111 schools (12 countries and 99 private sector).

The distribution was immediately greeted enthusiastically by students at SMA Paskalis. Students flocked to Bank DKI ATMs to check KJP balances. The first stage is immediately filled with money by the government for three months at once. Later every the first 1 of the month will be filled by the government regularly.

"Yes, it's true that there is money. My balance is IDR 710 thousand for 3 months. Earlier I tried to take IDR 100 thousand. Later I want to return it back to my mother. It turns out that this money is out," said a student majoring in IPS SMA Paskalis, Chrisopran Orizand, quoted on the detik.com page, December 1, 2012.

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