JAKARTA Memories of today, 12 years ago, September 29, 2012, Suryadharma Ali revealed that the brawl among students was caused by films that presented violence. The film inspired the younger generation to fight.
Previously, the number of brawls between school children was increasing. The brawls emerged everywhere. In fact, in data released by the National Commission for Child Protection (Komnas PA) in 2011 alone cases of student brawls reached 339 cases, with the death toll reaching 82 people.
School children are often considered agents of change. They are the great hope that Indonesia will become a great nation. This condition makes the government spend a large budget for education. However, it is the business of keeping school children on a straight path is not easy.
School children who are in the search for their identity often deviate. Some of them often do brawls. The number of brawls between teenagers is not something that can be underestimated. The victims of the brawl are just piled up.
Take for example the data released by Komnas PA. The data states that in 2011 the victims of the brawl reached 339 cases, with the death toll reaching 82 victims. This means that there is a big problem in the world of Indonesian education.
Komnas PA revealed that brawls are an expression of violence displayed by students. The underlying problems vary. Many of them are due to arbitrary pattern of fulfillment, disharmonicism, and divorce.
These conditions make students' lives often underestimated. Children who want to show expressions or opinions are rarely heard. They finally chose their own path by brawl as a means of expressing the exception.
Maslaah is not yet a habit of parents who sometimes don't want to know their children's business. They think that by providing all kinds of facilities, their devotion to children is considered over. In fact, children smp to high school still need guidance and affection.
"There were 82 students who died as a result of this brawl case. While the rest were seriously and lightly injured. They also tended to throw themselves in an activity without realizing the risks," said Secretary General of Komnas PA, Samsul Ridwan as quoted on the detik.com page, December 20, 2011.
The case of brawls between school children has become a byword everywhere. Minister of Religion, Suryadharma Ali also spoke up on September 29, 2012. He has his own theory regarding the cause of the brawl between school children. He considers the cause is films that display violence. The films, they are on various platforms.
The violent films inspired young people to fight. He also asked the government to immediately limit the spectacle to school children, especially those that smelled of violence. On the other hand, Surya revealed that there were factors of drugs and alcohol.
"Strong films can inspire children to fight. There are many things that need to be corrected. The absence of sports space is also a trigger for brawls. If you are caught (drugs or alcohol), you must receive strict sanctions, namely issued," Surya said as quoted on the tempo.co page, December 29, 2012.
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