JAKARTA - Saturday, October 26, 2019, President Joko Widodo (Jokowi) opened the Pancasila Youth X Grand Conference. In his remarks, Jokowi praised Pemuda Pancasila's role in implementing national political agendas. Jokowi, in this series of agendas, was also appointed as an honorary member of Pemuda Pancasila, along with Vice President Ma'ruf Amin.

The Pancasila Youth X Grand Conference was held at the Lagoon Garden, Sultan Hotel, Jakarta. In his remarks Jokowi expressed his gratitude to Pemuda Pancasila for helping to oversee the implementation of the 2019 Election until the inauguration of the president and vice president.

"For this reason, Mr. KH Ma'ruf Amin and I would like to express our deepest gratitude to the Pancasila Youth family, because I know there is a role for the Pancasila Youth in it," said Jokowi, quoted from the presidentri.go.id website.

Honorary member of Pemuda Pancasila

Jokowi opens the Pancasila Youth X Grand Conference 2019 (BPMI Setpres / Rusman)

"By saying bismillah, we appoint Mr. Kiai Ma'ruf Amin, the Vice President of the Republic of Indonesia as an honorary member and an outstanding member of Pemuda Pancasila," Japto Soerjosoemarno, General Chair of the Pancasila Youth National Leadership Council (MPN), said he welcomed Ma'ruf's appointment to the Youth family. Pancasila.

Prior to Ma'ruf's appointment at the closing ceremony of the Pancasila Youth Grand Conference, Jokowi had already been appointed an honorary member of Pemuda Pancasila at the opening ceremony. Ma'ruf and Jokowi both received membership cards that were given directly by Japto. Japto said, as member card holders, Jokowi and Ma'ruf will receive protection from the PP.

"Yesterday we picked up Mr. Jokowi. Someone asked, 'How come you take it (membership card) from the bag, not on the tray?' This is a sign. Javanese people have a philosophy. In my pocket, I am responsible for protecting whoever is the Pancasila Youth member card holder, "said Japto.

President and Vice President of the Republic of Indonesia Jokowi-Ma'ruf (Source: Antara)

As Japto said, previously, Deputy Chairperson of the Pancasila Youth MPN, Bambang Soesatyo (Bamsoet), also emphasized his side of Jokowi and Ma'ruf. Bambang Soesatyo emphasized that the PP would not allow anyone to interfere with Jokowi-Ma'ruf. Bamsoet even said that PP would become violent thugs if Jokowi-Ma'ruf was harassed.

"We will turn into thugs and be savages again when anyone disturbs the sovereignty of the nation, the Republic of Indonesia, Pancasila and tries to disturb President Jokowi as head of state," said Bamsoet in his speech at the opening of the Pancasila X Pemuda Grand Conference.

Even so, Bamsoet said Pemuda Pancasila was not an ordinary gangster organization. Pemuda Pancasila "no longer uses machetes, tattoos or thick mustaches. We are now prioritizing brains, thoughts, knowledge and ingenuity in controlling the territory," said Bamsoet, quoted by CNN.

Japto stated the same. He said Pemuda Pancasila was a mass-based organization based on Pancasila and the 1945 Constitution. "Pemuda Pancasila is an organization that is disliked, but needed." Japto also said: We are not going anywhere, but we are everywhere.

Pancasila Youth Cadres in government
Bamsoet in the Pancasila Youth X Grand Conference with Japto and La Nyalla (Source: bambangsoesatyo.info) (Source:

As Japto said. Pancasila Youth cadres are everywhere. No exception in government circles. Jokowi views the existence of Pancasila Youth cadres in the government sphere as important. Jokowi also mentioned the names he meant.

"Pak Bambang Soesatyo has been elected as chairman of the MPR. Mr La Nyalla Mattalitti was also elected as chairman of the DPD," said Jokowi, quoted by Pikiran Rakyat.

In the Advanced Indonesia Cabinet, Jokowi mentioned the name of Zainuddin Amali who was the Minister of Youth and Sports (Menpora). "There is also a Pancasila Youth cadre who was elected as a minister, Mr. Zainuddin Amali. That is what we should be grateful for," said Jokowi.

Menpora Zainuddin Amali (Source: Kemenpora)

Furthermore, Jokowi also invited Pemuda Pancasila to join the harmony built by the government to welcome the 'golden Indonesia' era in 2045. In that year Indonesia has the potential to become a developed country, one of the top five world economic powers with per capita income of IDR 320 million per year.

“A very large number. That is, if calculated per month, it is approximately Rp. 27 million per capita per month, "Jokowi.

"Therefore, on this very good opportunity I entrust the Pancasila Youth, I am sure that I will continue and continue to maintain Pancasila, to be the motor for the practice of Pancasila to pave the way for the achievement of an advanced Indonesia, a prosperous Indonesia," Jokowi.

* Read other information about PRESIDENT JOKOWI or read other interesting writings from Yudhistira Mahabharata.


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