JAKARTA Memories of today, six years ago, July 15, 2018, the Minister of Maritime Affairs and Fisheries (KKP), Susi Pudjiastuti expressed her frustration with divers who stepped on coral reefs. Divers who do not master the technique of maintaining buoyancy or 'buoyancy' have the potential to damage the underwater ecosystem.

Previously, Indonesia was known to have a lot of underwater tourism. This condition attracts the interest of divers from within and outside the country. The problem is that not many people have awareness of protecting the marine ecosystem.

Indonesia has never lacked underwater paradise tourist destinations. The diving tourism is everywhere, from Sabang to Merauke. Take for example the underwater tourism offered by Derawan, Wakatobi, to Raja Ampat.

The underwater beauty not only evokes admiration, but continues to remain silent in sanubari. This beauty is what makes divers from within and outside the country come. They want to see for themselves the beauty of Indonesia's underwater ecosystem.

Problems arise. Not all divers are equipped with punctuating diving skills. Many of the divers were unable to maintain the buzzancy. As a result, fatal. Many divers actually trampled on the reef.

This condition if allowed continuously can make coral reefs damaged. The beauty that was scattered throughout the sea can be threatened with nothing remaining. This damage is often also visited by tourism operators who only think about profit.

They ogah keras kepada wisatawan. Tidak ada teguran keras atau edukasi penting sebelum penambang. Mereka hanya tahu membawakan keuntungan dan baibai pada keberlanjutan dalam beras. Kedua masalah itu --operator amburadul dan pembang pembuka baru-- dapat menjadi ancaman.

The practice of diving to pay attention to existing procedures and provisions can result in major harm. A loss that can make diving spots disappear from the favorite underwater destination map.

Finally, many bit their fingers. Operators no longer benefit from cake tourism. Tourists can no longer enjoy underwater beauty.

New divers, they also destroy corals, they hold corals, step on corals.Education (most importantly). If you have skills, the spots are adjusted to you and you have skills, if you are already good, of course it won't be damaged.

If those who don't have skills first at sea where there is a good coral. This is because operators bring people carelessly, they will hold them carelessly, all of them are damaged, the important thing is to pay. They (tourism operators) don't bother, we are the ones who are dizzy," said maritime tourism consultant Christian Fenie during a show at Deep and Extreme, in Jakarta, quoted by the COMPASS.com page, April 30, 2015.

The unrest related to divers who damage coral reefs is not once or twice voiced by many people, but many times. The Minister of Marine Affairs and Fisheries, Susi Pudjiastuti, even spoke up on July 15, 2018. He was annoyed at many divers who stepped on coral reefs arbitrarily.

Minister Susi revealed that many divers do not master the Buoyancy technique so as not to hit coral reefs. This condition makes their frog shoes (fin) often graze coral reefs until they are damaged.

Minister Susi did not remain silent. He tried to prepare regulations. Susi also began to invite all elements of society to immediately protect the Indonesian oceans. The breakthrough is important because the future of the Indonesian oceans is a shared responsibility.

"Diving but his hobby of stepping on corals, such as crackers being stepped on. That's not allowed. Many don't want to swim and float. Suddenly there are holes like craters, small in diameters of three to five meters. It turns out that it's a former child diving who is still briefing. The briefing is in water, everything is on stand, the fin is big. Happy diving, but lazy to swim, it's strange," said Susi as quoted by the ANTARA page, July 15, 2018.

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