JAKARTA Memories of today, six years ago, May 6, 2018, community and cross-party leaders declared themselves to be #2019 volunteers to change the President. They do not want President Joko Widodo (Jokowi) to return to lead Indonesia. Everything is because Jokowi's leadership is considered a lot of harm, rather than benefits.

Previously, Jokowi was known as a politician who had a brilliant career. He has never lost in political contestation. He once felt the warmth of the seat of Mayor of Solo, Governor of DKI Jakarta, and President of Indonesia.

Jokowi is a politician who cannot be underestimated. His steps in the world of politics are often right. He was able to be elected as Mayor of Solo for two terms, from 2005-2012. This success made Jokowi immediately look for new challenges.

Jokowi then convinced the Indonesian Democratic Party of Struggle (PDIP) to nominate him as a Cagub in the 2012 Jakarta Pilgub. Jokowi was also able to promise victory. PDIP continues to support Jokowi in the 2014 presidential election political contestation.

Jokowi was able to win and become the 7th President of Indonesia. The expectations of the Indonesian people towards Jokowi have increased. Moreover, Jokowi is trying to advance Nawacita. A change program for Indonesia, which is wrapped in Jokowi.

The contents are so beautiful, there is enforcement of human rights, law enforcement, and strengthening diversity. Jokowi's leadership was not only filled with optimism. The attitude of the President of Indonesia for the 2014-2019 period was also not spared from controversy.

The submission of a problematic candidate for the National Police Chief to the execution of the death row convict tarnished the face of his government. Jokowi is also considered unable to drag any of the perpetrators of gross human rights violations. However, behind Jokowi's controversy, it has prosperity.

The development of infrastructure in various regions of the archipelago took place quite rapidly. This effort is considered a form of economic equity. This condition made PDIP even more attracted by Jokowi. The party bearing the white-nosed bull symbol without hesitation immediately chose Jokowi to return to be a presidential candidate in the 2019 presidential election political contestation.

So in the PDI-P National Working Meeting III in Bali, the Chairperson of the PDI-P, Mrs. Hj. Megawati Sukarnoputri, using her prerogative given by the party congress, has re-established me as a Presidential Candidate for 2019-2024.

"This independent Spirit was ordered by the Chairperson of the PDI-P, Mrs. Hj. Megawati Sukarnoputri, especially in terms of food, energy, defense and finance. That is what makes me confident that future governments will be more stable, more effective because of the support of parties that are integrated with the support of the people," said Jokowi as quoted on the Cabinet Secretariat website, February 24, 2018.

Jokowi's re-nomination as a presidential candidate has actually become a polemic. Many people feel that the Jokowi government has failed. Jokowi's leadership has not changed the poverty map much in Indonesia.

Likewise with other issues, such as various policies that are not pro-people. This condition made a group of community leaders, politicians, and the people declare themselves to be #2019 volunteers to change the President on May 6, 2018.

The movement was declared at the West Door of the National Monument. #2019 Change the President to condemn Jokowi's re-nomination as a presidential candidate. Instead, they want a new face that will become the President of Indonesia. This is because Jokowi's leadership is considered to bring many harm, rather than benefits.

The #2019 Change President's movement is here to make many people realize that Indonesia needs a new leader. Not a leader who likes imaging. A lesson to cover up his failure as a leader of the nation.

"We, the 2019 national volunteer in exchange for the president, hereby express our concern over poverty, injustice, impartiality, and threats to sovereignty and the current leadership crisis in the Republic of Indonesia," said the initiator of the movement that incidentally was a politician from the Prosperous Justice Party, Mardani Ali Sera as quoted by the Tempo.co page, May 6, 2018.

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