JAKARTA - In the world, Tesla Motors Inc is a pioneer electric car company. The innovation is so revolutionary. In the midst of the onslaught of the oil-fueled car industry, Tesla is different. Tesla realized the dream of an electric car acceptable to civilization.

In fact, Tesla created at the same time an electric car that was safe, reliable, dashing, powerful, fuel efficient, and self-driving. As a result, Tesla became the most valuable company.

Based on its history, Tesla Motors was founded by two automotive engineers from Silicon Valley, United States (US): Martin Ebenhard and Marc Tarpenning in July 2003. Their dream was to establish a simple Tesla.

The two men wanted to prove that an electric car could perform one step better than an oil-fueled car. Both chose the name Tesla as a token of appreciation to the engineer and physicist, Nikola Tesla (1846-1943).

“As mentioned earlier, Tesla is an automotive company that specifically produces high-speed electric cars. The name 'Tesla' itself was chosen as a form of appreciation given to Nikola Tesla, an engineer and physicist who succeeded in creating many inventions in the 19th century. There are at least 1,200 patents in the name of Nikola Tesla which later led him to be one of the most important inventors in history, ”wrote Era Salia in the book Elon Musk: The Genius of the 21st Century (2018).

For both - Ebenhard & Tarpenning - Tesla's discoveries are still echoing today. Take the example of Tesla's success in expanding radio signals into motion objects. Or thinking about the possibility of capturing energy from sunlight. This series of discoveries became the basis for the development of robotic, electric, wireless, and even modern drones systems. The magic of Tesla's greatness was then absorbed by the two of them to make the most recent and genius breakthroughs in the automotive world.

Elon's hand
Elon Musk (Instagram / @ ElonMusk)

However, that dream would not have come true if a smart man named Elon Musk did not join him in 2004. Elon Musk's role as President Director of Tesla Motor greatly determines Tesla's progress.

Elon Musk, known as the founder of PayPal, then gave Tesla Motors $ 7.5 million in capital. After that, Musk's popularity made investors flock to invest in companies based in California.

Some of them are Tesla Motors getting support from the duo of Google founders, Sergey Brin and Larry Page. Former eBay CEO Jeff Skoll to the heir to the Hyatt Hotel business empire, Nick Pritzker. Nick himself in 2005, has invested up to 40 million dollars.

Tesla Factory (Source: Commons Wikimedia)

The rest, Elon Musk, from his personal pocket, continues to invest heavily in Tesla Motor. Everything Musk did to reinforce his dream that one day electric cars will dominate the world. Tesla, Musk said, will replace the ancient habit of using petroleum to drive vehicles.

"I try to allocate my efforts towards what I think will most impact humanity's future in a positive way. There are many energy and finance entrepreneurs taking advantage of the help of the Internet, whereas in certain sectors such as autos and solar power and space, you don't see the outsiders. new, "said Elon Musk quoted by Hamish McKenzie in the book Insane Mode (2018).

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Tesla's excellence

The emergence of Tesla as a high-value automotive company is not without reason. Tesla has boldly penetrated the taboo spaces that other automotive companies have been reluctant to glance at. Quoted from Ashlee Vance in the book Elon Musk: The Man Behind Paypal, Tesla, SpaceX and a Fantastic Future (2015), Tesla has one more powerful key than other automative companies, the lock is making Tesla a lifestyle.

“They (Tesla) don't just sell cars to someone. They sell an image, a feeling that they are entering the future, a relationship. Apple did the same thing decades ago with Macs and then did it again with iPods and iPhones. Even those who are not too fanatical about their affiliation with Apple, will be sucked into that world when they buy software and download software like the iTunes, ”wrote Ashlee Vance.

Tesla check (Source: Commons Wikimedia)

As a result, starting from the electric car Tesla Roadster (2005), Tesla Model S (2009), Tesla Model X (2012), to Tesla Model 3 (2016), quickly became popular in the market. The sweetest success ever happened to the Tesla Model S. Moreover, the Tesla Model s was Tesla's best car at that time. This is because Tesla has no intention of holding back several new features, like other manufacturers. Instead, owners of previous years' Tesla cars can add all the new features if there is a software update. These efforts made Tesla one step further.

Then, this step also invited investors to come. Tesla also continues his idealism, which is to produce electric vehicles that are safe, reliable, powerful, self-driving, and powered by environmentally friendly solar batteries. As a result, many investment experts also acknowledge that Tesla's power in the automotive world will last a long time and become increasingly profitable.

"This is crazy. Investors believe it (Tesla) will dominate a market that has never been dominated by a company before," concluded Bruce Greenwald, a professor at Columbia Business School and an expert on value investing when talking about Tesla's share price, quoted by The New York Times.


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