JAKARTA History today, 52 years ago, March 31, 1971, the Governor of DKI Jakarta, Ali Sadikin inaugurated the Sunda Kelapa Mosque. He believes that the presence of the house of worship will bring goodness to the congregation around Menteng, Jakarta. The mosque is not only used as a house of worship, but also a place to deepen Islam.

Previously, Ali Sadikin was known as an important figure in Jakarta's growth and development. He was able to become a governor for all groups. He also supports all kinds of positive activities of the people of Jakarta.

Governor Ali Sadikin's understanding is minimal in urban affairs. However, he did not give up. Ali became a person who wanted to learn. He didn't want a lot of time to be wasted because he was on his lap without wanting to learn. The problem of Jakarta from upstream to downstream is to find out.

The man who is familiarly called Bang Ali did not hesitate to make blusukan from the village to the bus terminal. Everything is done to find out the real condition of the people of Jakarta. The regulation can then be met by the DKI Jakarta government as the right policy.

The results are brilliant. The angles of Jakarta, which were initially slum, can improve. Ali doesn't just rely on the state budget alone. He is able to find coffers of regional income. Even in a controversial way: gambling and prostitution.

Ali's popularity in leading Jakarta is increasing. Moreover, his popularity is also supported by his ability to be friends with anyone. From officials, artists, to commoners. The closeness was established because Ali was also a philanthropist.

All forms of activities that bring positive value are supported. In fact, he even gave up his personal check money to donate. Mainly, when the Jakarta Legal Aid Institute (LBH) only started operating. Ali fully supports the presence of LBH so that the people of Jakarta are greatly helped and educated by law.

Ali kept his promise to help finance the organization. Some of them even took him out of his personal pocket. Since starting operations in 1971, budget support from the Jakarta government for LBH Jakarta has flowed regularly.

"The number continues to increase in line with the operational needs of this institution and the high demand for institutional services. In the sixth year, the Jakarta LBH budget increased eight times," said Riki Ferdianto in his writing in Tempo Magazine entitled Penyantun until the End of Hayat (2022).

Ali Sadikin's track of support is not only in LBH, but also in other rooms. Take for example when all Jakartans around Menteng want to build a mosque. Sunda Kelapa Mosque, his name.

The mosque construction plan has been going on since the 1960s. All elements of society contributed their fortune to help with development. However, the funds needed were not enough. The entrepreneur HBR Motik then immediately asked Ali Sadikin for help.

Gayung also greeted. Ali Sadikin, through the DKI Jakarta Government, was willing to provide assistance for the construction of the Sunda Kelapa Mosque in Menteng. Also Ali Sadikin participated in issuing funds from his personal pocket. This action was to help build a mosque designed by architect Gustaf Abbas.

The construction of the Sunda Kelapa Mosque was promoted. The mosque was completed in 1970. The inauguration was only possible for Ali Sadikin on March 31, 1971. The mosque later became a center of worship and learned for Muslims around Menteng.

Ali Sadikin himself often performs worship at the Sunda Kelapa Mosque from the governor's time until he retired. Although not many people dared to reprimand Ali because he was the sworn enemy of the New Order.

"That's how he was treated by the community at that time. People were afraid to greet him, let alone accompany him even at the mosque, because as a signator of Petition 50 he had been accused of fighting the New Order."

The ironis on the face of the Sunda Kelapa Mosque Main Door is displayed with the words: Inaugurated and opened by the Governor of DKI Jakarta, Lt. Gen. KKO (Ret.) Ali Sadikin. I have observed that while he was in the mosque, people rarely dared to reprimand him, let alone pay their respects. Many people forget his services and kindness in the past, "said M. Harjono Kartohadiprodjo in the book Melangkah in the Three Times (2022).

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