JAKARTA - The role of mothers in educating a child is so great. This is universal. No exception for Indonesia's first president, Soekarno.

For Soekarno, mother was everything. He can play a role as an educator who is firm and respected, he can also be a very gentle and close friend. He can also act as a nurse, to a shelter and a storyteller. Therefore, Soekarno always praised the role of his mother, Ida Ayu Nyoman Rai (1881-1985).

One of the things that most impressed Soekarno's mother figure regarding her childhood was when she was often told fairy tales by her. Soekarno at that time did not get the intake of quality stories like on television or stories from the western world (Wild West) that were peppered.

Moreover, Big Brother's family did not come from a nigrat or upper class priyai family walled in wealth. As a result, his mother always told stories of nationality and heroism to Kusno - the nickname of Bung Karno.

Told by an American writer, Cindy Adams, the stories told by Ida Ayu were dominated by stories of freedom fighters. Plus the story of Bung Besar's father, Soekemi Sosrodihardjo, a Javanese, who married Ida Ayu - a Balinese - to be the spice of his childhood. Then, these stories made Bung Karno understand the problems of his nation.

Historically, Balinese women rarely want to be edited by outsiders. However, the mother broke the stiffness by courageously marrying Bung Karno's father. Because of that Bung Karno learned valuable lessons related to diversity in the slogan "Unity in Diversity."

"Our country's motto is Bhineka Tunggal Ika: Different but one thing. Back to my father's story, how difficult the situation was when he wanted to marry his mother. Especially because he was officially a Muslim, even though he practiced Theosophy. To marry in Islam, the mother must adhere to her. Islam first. The only way for them is kawin lari. According to custom in Bali, eloping must follow certain procedures, "said Bung Karno, quoted by Cindy Adams in Bung Karno's book: Connect the Indonesian People's Tongue (1965).

Soekarno and his family (Source: Wikimedia Commons)

There is also an interesting story of Bung Karno, who as a child was often sickly. By his parents, the nickname of Bung Besar, Koesno Sosrodihardjo, was later changed to Soekarno. The name Soekarno is taken from the puppet character Karna, a warlord on the Kurawa side in the noble Bharatayudha story.

"The name 'Karna' becomes 'Karno' because the Javanese pronunciation of the letter 'a' at the end of the word changes to 'o.' Meanwhile, the addition of the prefix 'su' in Old Javanese means good, noble, or great, ”wrote Rhien Soemohadiwidjojo in Bung Karno's book Sang Singa Podium (2017).

Study in the Netherlands is prohibited

One day there was a debate to determine where Soekarno should pursue higher education. Big Brother had wanted to continue studying in the Netherlands. But the mother forbade it.

Bung Karno was hardly a student of the Technische Hoogeschool te Bandoeng (Now: Bandung Institute of Technology), but studied in Holland. If this had happened, perhaps the history of Indonesia would be different.

"If Soekarno was allowed by his mother to continue his studies in the Netherlands after graduating from Hoogere Burgerschool (HBS) Surabaya on June 10, 1921, of course he would have met Hatta as a student at the Windmill Country. If that happened, perhaps the atmosphere of the Indonesian Association in the Netherlands could be different, and perhaps the Soekarno-Hatta relationship would be different. But there are no 'ifs' in history. In reality, 'fate' determines differently for Soekarno, ”wrote P. Swantoro in Book to Book: Connecting to Become One (2002).

The dialogue dialogue between Bung Karno and his mother, started none other than the wish of the child to explain to his mother that all HBS graduates automatically go to Holland. According to Bung Karno, this was a normal process. Anyone who wants to get a university education must go to Holland, said Bung Karno.

His mother firmly refused. "No, absolutely not," said the mother. For him, studying in the Netherlands is not a goal, in fact, by studying there there will be many mistakes.

"What attracts you? Hopes for a university degree, or a desire for white women? " Asked his mother again. Then Sukarno answered: "I want to go to university, mother."

"If that's the case, you will enter university here. First, we have to consider the main problem that dominates everything in our lives. Money. It is too expensive to go abroad. After all, you are a child born with Indian blood. I want you to live here among your own people. Don't ever forget, my son, your place, your purpose in life, your legacy, is on this island, ”said Soekarno's mother as quoted by P. Swantoro.

The mother's prediction

Soekarno admitted that his mother was one of the biggest sources of motivation until he grew up. One of the fires of enthusiasm instilled in Soekarno was when his mother gave him the nickname Son of the Dawn. At that time, his mother encouraged him by repeatedly mentioning that Soekarno would become a leader of the Indonesian people.

"Holding my body to her chest, she (mother) hugged me quietly. Then she spoke in a soft voice, 'You are watching the dawn, son. Mother tell you, one day you will be a noble person, you will be the leader of our people, because the mother gave birth to you at half past six in the morning at dawn, "said Soekarno when telling his mother.

His mother said the Javanese believed that a child who was born at sunrise was predestined. The words came true. Through the prayer of his mother, his son then appeared to be one of those who stirred up the spirit of the native people to seize Indonesian independence.

In the end, his mother's suggestion led Soekarno and Mohammad Hatta to become proclaimers of Indonesian independence on August 17, 1945. After that, Bung Karno became the First President of Indonesia, accompanied by Mohammad Hatta as his deputy.

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