JAKARTA - Love for a football team or club is a common thing. No one doubts that. Moreover, football is not just a sport, but a form of identity. However, that love can be dangerous if the fans perpetuate blind fanaticism.
They are ready to do anything for the club they love. Perpetuating violence, for one. All of this is often seen in the fanaticism of the soccer fans group between Bonek (Persebaya) and Aremania (Arema FC). This is the trail.
The existence of football in the world is not doubted. It is the most popular sport on earth. The reason is clear. Football does not require special equipment to be played. Football can be played by anyone, anytime and anywhere.
This fact makes the football industry famous in every country. After all, football does not only promise big coffers of income, but also football is the glue of unity and friendship. The emergence of many groups of supporters is proof.

Each group of supporters feel called to defend their favorite club. They love it for various reasons. From personal factors to success issues. The support group is also known as loyal fans. They buy tickets, support, celebrate the victory, to cry over the defeat of their favorite club.
This love can no longer be described in words. However, all can not be done excessively. If too much love, it will turn into blind fanaticism. Which, football fans will do anything for their favorite club, including perpetuating violence.
“As explained earlier, liking a football club is something that is quite complicated to explain. There is no one generally accepted social formula to explain this liking. For a powerful political interest to be achieved, social capital can be far more valuable and expensive than the profits promised in the football business."
“Social capital is formed through a long social process, even going on for generations before football itself became an industry as it is today. this happens because football is not just a sport, but becomes a social identity for all of its supporters,” said Iswandi Syahputra in the book Pemuja Sepak Bola: Kuasa Media Atas Budaya (2016).
Root of Rivalry
In Indonesia, blind fanaticism is not new. Several groups of supporters often perpetuate blind fanaticism. Excessive fanaticism often forms a rivalry between groups of supporters. Bonek and Aremania for example.
Bonek and Aremania is one example of a group of supporters who have long historical roots. Even so, no one has been able to reveal exactly when the rivalry between the two groups of supporters from Persebaya Surabaya and Arema Malang (now: Arema FC) started.
However, the rivalry became even more pronounced, starting with the Kantata Taqwa music concert in early 1990. The concert was held at the Gelora Stadium on November 10, Tambaksari, Surabaya. Many spectators from Malang flooded the stadium. In fact, they dominate the front of the stage.
The sight made Bonek hurt. The owner of the village feels unappreciated. A riot ensued because of it. The problem is like sparking the fire of hostility. After that, Bonek and Aremania were known as sworn enemies.
Even if the two beloved football clubs do not meet in person on the gridiron. In the Galatama Cup Final July 21, 1992, for example. At that time, Semen Padang played a match outside the home field against Arema Malang at the Tambaksari Stadium, which incidentally was Persebaya's home ground.

Ill fortune can't be denied. Semen Padang managed to become champions after beating Arema Malang 1-0 in the final. Arema's defeat made Arek Malang (the initial name Aremania) dissatisfied. As an outlet, the group of supporters acted to destroy the facilities at Gubeng Station.
Bonek is extremely mad. They took countermeasures by intercepting and attacking the Aremania group as they passed Gresik, at the end of 1993. The hostility continued when Persebaya and Arema Malang met at Tambaksari Stadium in 1996. The meeting made the stadium like a battlefield, rather than a medium for playing football.
The hostility between the two continues to last, even to this day. The victims are many. The problem of prestige and pride from cultural-history (especially dialects) lies behind it. Both groups of supporters often consider their respective football clubs and cities the best.
Bonek felt that Persebaya Surabaya was superior to Malang and vice versa. Envy and jealousy also had time to emerge when many dominated the national news. Aremania did not want them to be the number two group of supporters. Mainly in East Java. Therefore, chaos ensued. Even though it has been reconciled several times.
“As for the secondary cause, there was a difference in the portion of the coverage in the mass media at that time, where there was more news about football clubs and groups of supporters from Surabaya than clubs and football supporters from Malang. In addition, there is also a sense of prestige.”
"The prestige is due to the status of the number one and number two regions in East Java. Then envy and jealousy because of the recognition and perception of the general public that the club from Surabaya is greater than the club from Malang. It doesn't stop there, another cause is a sense of primordialism,” explained Galuh Saputro in the Journal of Moral and Citizenship Studies Volume 1 No. 4 entitled "Pandangan Bonek: Tentang Konflik Antara Bonek dan Aremania" (2016).
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