JAKARTA - Today, 74 years ago, September 9, 1948, President Soekarno inaugurated the opening of the first National Sports Week (PON). The PON was held at the Sriwedari Stadium, Solo. The Indonesian government revealed that PON is the biggest sporting event in Indonesia. Its implementation is then held every four years. From there, the celebration of National Sports Day (Haornas) which is celebrated every September 9 begins.

The implementation of the first PON was full of challenges. The PON celebration initially wanted to be held in Jakarta. However, moving for security reasons: during the revolution and rebellion of the Indonesian Communist Party (PKI).

The proclamation of independence is very important for the Indonesian people. The acknowledgment as an independent nation was an injection of enthusiasm to escape the shackles of colonialism. However, the Dutch did not want to just let Indonesia be free.

The Windmill Country feels they still have the right to occupy Indonesia. Moreover, the Dutch occupation of Indonesia has been going on for a long time. Even though the dominance was ended by the Japanese presence. The momentum of Japan's defeat was immediately used by the Dutch.

They carried out British allies to take control of Indonesia a second time. Terror was carried out throughout Jakarta. The safety of state officials and the people is threatened. Every day the Dutch with complete weapons perpetuated patrols. They attack anyone indiscriminately.

President Soekarno, PM. Moh. Hatta and Sri Sultan Hamengku Buwono IX were also present at the opening ceremony of PON I at the Sriwedari Stadium, Solo, September 9, 1948. (ANRI-IPPHOS)

The news regarding the treatment of the Dutch reached high-ranking officials. The only option is to move the government center from Jakarta to Yogyakarta. Silently, state officials, especially Soekarno left Jakarta by train. In the train the feeling of concern enveloped. However, they survived and managed to set foot in Yogyakarta.

We went through barbed fences to get to the existing trains. After our group all boarded, the train moved slowly. we headed to the city of Yogyakarta because it was safe, there were no British soldiers and Gurka and the Netherlands. The train stopped for a while at the Jatinegara station, because there were shootings.

After the shooting stopped, the train continued its journey. Finally we arrived at the Yogyakarta station. One night on the train made the body stiff and tired. But Guntur didn't fuss, so I wasn't so tired. Guntur seemed to know and tofu helped fight with a non-discussive style," said Bung Besar's wife, Fatmawati in the book Small Note with Bung Karno (2016).

The Dutch were furious. They immediately launched the First Military Aggression. The massive military operation tried to attack the archipelago. In order to maintain safety, state officials played a trick. They tried to change places until the ceasefire was carried out.

In the midst of a ceasefire, in fact the Indonesian government's guts to instill nationalism continues. Exercise was also chosen as medium. The implementation of the first PON in Solo is proof. I hope there are 600 athletes from each region. PON also competes in nine sports. From athletics to football.

President Soekarno came to open the PON I directly on September 9, 1948. Even though the conditions were an emergency, it was an emergency because they were still at odds with the Dutch. Emergency because the PKI echoed the rebellion.

Even so, the implementation of the PON was successful and recorded a new milestone. As the first national sporting event to be held when Indonesia was just independent. Also, the day of the inauguration of PON, September 9 is celebrated every year as National Sports Day or Haornas.

With that, all parties, military and political parties, go to a path of confrontation. But peace still needs to be maintained a few more days. On September 9, Soekarno opened the National Sports Week (PON) I, which was attended by Hatta, Sudirman, and Sultan and the kings of Surakarta, many ministers and diplomats.

It is a big event for the Republic, and it will be an insult if sporting events get disrupted and in Solo the threat is very big. Siliwangi is assigned to take care of the security of activities that will last until September 12. The Military Commander of Achmadi confirmed all troops in their respective fighters; he also forbade all PON visitors to carry weapons, but supervision was not carried out properly," explained Harry A. Poeze in the book Madium 1948: PKI Mobilization (2011).

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