JAKARTA - Siti Hartinah or who is familiarly called Mrs. Tien likes to watch comedy shows. Especially President Suharto. They often invite comedians to official state events. At the 1995 Mother's Day celebration, for example. Tien's mother specifically asked for Bagito's comedy group to fill the entertainment program. Miing, Unang, and Didin did not waste this opportunity. All three show their skills. In fact, his humor is shrouded in social criticism. In fact, both Ibu Tien and Suharto both liked Bagito's humor.

No one doubts the existence of the radio medium in raising the name of the comedian in the country. Many of the big names in the world of comedy come from radio shows. Warkop DKI and Bagito are some of them. Warkop on Prambors Radio and Bagito on Suara Kejayaan Radio (SK).

The presence of the two certainly brings fresh color to the entertainment industry in the country. They not only bring their listeners to enjoy endless laughter, but also invite them to reflect on social criticism. Mainly shrouded in a set of jokes. However, joking is not an easy matter. In-depth research is the teaching of each comedy group which often makes socio-politics a big theme.

Miing (Dedi Gumelar), Didin (Didin Pinasti), and Unang (Hadi Wibowo) have experienced it. They did not immediately become stars on the small screen. This is because they first started their careers as part of the Confused Consultant program in 1984 at Radio SK. A radio that is often punctuated as Smile and Laughter.

Miing and Didin from the Bagito Comedy Group. (Screenshot of Bagito Show)

In the Confused Consultant event, Bagito often throws criticism wrapped in humor. This criticism is closely related to the narrative of resistance from the notoriously repressive New Order policies. SK listeners who are often called SKawan love it. But not by those in power. Bagito is labeled as a comedian with material that is harmful to Orba's existence.

“Quite a lot of popular artists today who started their careers from the radio world. One example is the legendary comedian Dono, Kasino, Indro who is a member of Warkop DKI. they started their careers as broadcasters on Radio Prambors. Then Bagito whose members are Miing, Didin and Unang."

“They were also the top broadcasters on SK radio, which used to stand for Smile and Laughter. Also other top artists such as Farhan, Indie Barends, Ringgo from radio Oz, Ramond F Sungkar who has broadcast on Istara FM radio, even Sogi Extravaganza from Radio Oz," said Linda Budiarti in her book Asyiknya Being a Radio Broadcaster (2021).

On the Peak of Career

The peak of glory in the world of comedy was achieved by Bagito in the 1990s. That era Bagito was at his peak. There is no one who does not know the comedy program Bagito which first appeared on Radio SK, then the Bagito Show which was broadcast by a private television station, RCTI.

That uphill career made Bagito have many fans. From the commoners to the upper class. Mrs. Tien who incidentally is the wife of the number one person in Indonesia, for example. Since the beginning, Ibu Tien has been attracted to the actions of Miing, Didin, and Unang. He also hoped to be able to witness Bagito's jokes firsthand.

The pinnacle of being loved by scholars arrived. Ibu Tien made a special request to the committee for the Mother's Day event on December 22, 1995. In fact, the Mother's Day event which was held at the Convention Center (or better known as the Jakarta Convention Center) had been well prepared. Dance and poetry reading are lessons.

However, Tien's mother asked for one additional entertainment. He wanted to see the action of a group of comedians. Bagito, his name. Tien's mother has been smitten by the three comedy acts. Even Ibu Tien herself understands that Bagito's jokes often wrap criticism into humor. Tien's mother didn't mind.

"The next day, I met Didin and Unang. Everywhere can order usually happy. Don't worry, said Unang. This is not the end of the story. What do you think the president said in front of you? Pak Harto can make fun of him. Just kidding, go back to Guntur, you know. We're afraid. In fact, Bagito is still at the top. 1995 was top-top again."

"Apparently I asked the wife of the Governor of DKI Jakarta, Soerjadi Soedirdja at that time. Also to the wife of the Minister of Home Affairs, Yogie S. Memet. The two committee heads were called by Mrs. Tien to report what the event was. Mother's Day was the entertainment besides the president's speech. First, the dances from the mini garden. Second, reading poetry by Syifa Fauzia, son of Tuty Alawiyah from As-Syafi'yah. Third, a joke by Bagito. Why share? That's what Mrs. Tien said, I want to watch a comedy that three young people on RCTI I like. The governor's wife said, OK, ma'am, I know them," said Miing on Youtube Denny Cagur TV, November 20, 2020.

Bagito's Comedy Group: Didin Pinasti (Didin), Dedi Gumelar (Miing), and Hadi Wibowo (Unang). (Wikimedia Commons)

Bagito's presence was rejected by the Ministry of State Secretariat (Kemensetneg). This is because Bagito is known as a group that often criticizes the New Order government. Alias, the existence of New Order can be directly skinned by Bagito at the Mother's Day event. Moreover, Suharto and Ibu Tien will watch the action directly.

Bagito's presence was cancelled. However, Mother Tien defended. Tien's mother was adamant that Bagito had to appear. As predicted, Bagito is allowed to make jokes. However, Palace protocol immediately limited the series of materials that Bagito would bring.

Miing, Didin, and Unang were scared. The comedy act was really mind-blowing. Moreover, many of the earlier comedians who appeared in front of Suharto and Ibu Tien were unable to perform at their best.

Bagito immediately made a decision. They then chose to appear as is at the peak of the event. Criticism wrapped in humor is his teaching. In fact, the audience liked Bagito's jokes. The whole building was filled with laughter. Even Suharto's and Tien's faces looked amused by Bagito's jokes. The joke of Bagito managed to cheer up 4,000 people at the Convention Hall.

"What happened, when we got out of there, we went into the dressing room to change clothes. Pak Wahono (Chairman of the MPR), Pak Gofur (Member of the DPR), and several ministers arrived. Congratulations, deck, congratulations, deck, it's not congratulation, it's not congratulations, but congratulations, you're not bad luck."

"Mr. Harto's smile is okay. After all, I'm so excited about being caught by the president because of that. That's right, because we were dealing with the regime at that time. right now, if we criticize the government with its buzzer, netizens are very right," concluded Miing.

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