JAKARTA - The practice of mixing sports and politics is nothing new. Indonesia had openly acknowledged it at the 1962 Asian Games. Soekarno rejected the participation of Israel and Taiwan. Indonesia was also sanctioned by the International Olympic Committee (IOC). Therefore, Indonesia's dream of competing in the 1964 Tokyo Olympics was dashed. Bung Karno was furious. The excuse that sports sanctions should not be interfered with by politics is considered nonsense. Soekarno also made a rival Olympics. Ganefo is his name.

Soekarno is an intellectual actor who brought Indonesia's glory. His actions often attract the attention of the world. At the 1962 Asian Games, for example. Sukarno, who was known for his anti-imperialism, rejected the participation of Israel and Taiwan. The decision cannot be contested.

In Soekarno's eyes, Israel was like a common enemy for daring to annex the Palestinian territories. Use violence too. Meanwhile, the rejection of Taiwan leads to Indonesia's sympathy for China. Taiwan is accused of being a British puppet. The decision forced Indonesia to accept the harsh reality.

Indonesia is sanctioned by the IOC. The sanctions resulted in Indonesia being suspended from IOC membership -- which resulted in a ban from participating in the 1964 Tokyo Olympics. The committee felt that Indonesia had gone too far by interfering in political affairs with sports. Instead, Indonesia must apologize within an unspecified time limit. Even then, if Indonesia is willing.

Defile of the Indonesian contingent in Ganefo I in Jakarta on 10-22 November 1963. (Photo: Wikipedia)

The IOC's decision to impose sanctions reached Soekarno's ears. He was also angry not to play. Indonesia is humiliated by the IOC. Bung Karno then accused the IOC of often applying double standards. Which, if other countries, such as European countries take the same steps, the IOC will turn a blind eye. aka pretend not to know.

“Contrast evidence was shown by the IOC by banning the People's Republic of China (PRC) from participating in the Asian Games, because China is an enemy communist country from the Western Bloc. Indonesia shows other facts, for example the incident in October 1959, when the RDD (East Germany) refused to participate in a volleyball match in France, because France forbade the playing of the national anthem and the RDD national flag. The United States (US) also did not grant visas to RDD athletes during the February 1960 winter Olympics, nor did the September weightlifting event prevent RDD from participating."

"In the two examples above, the IOC and international sports federations under the auspices of the IOC did not take firm action to suspend France and the United States for wrongdoing. Proving that the IOC has a fear of the member states of the Western Bloc, apart from the fact that most of the IOC executive board members are Europeans," said Bayu Kurniawan and Septina Alrianingrum in their article in the Avatara Journal entitled Ganefo as a Vehicle for Realizing the Conception of Foreign Policy. Soekarno 1963-1967 (2013).

Uniting Politics and Sport

The view that separates sport and politics is absurd. Bung Karno could not accept it. The IOC is said to be like keeping fire in the husk. This is because countries hosting international sporting events are only seen as money factories. Which, his role is no more as a funder, facilitator, and coach of athletes.

The rest, all must submit to the IOC. In fact, through sports nationalism can be formed. Rooted strong. Bung Karno firmly wanted sport to become an arena of solidarity for political interests and a sense of nationalism. In simple language, sport can form: Pride of Nation. And that's part of politics.

"Indonesia has clearly expressed its resistance to the Asian Games Federation (AGF) and the IOC. Indonesia is of the opinion that sport is politics. According to the State Minister for Youth and Sports, Maladi (1962-1966), the essence of the events of the IV Asian Games was nothing but a confrontation between two conflicting principles.”

“First, the principle of sport cannot be separated from politics, which Indonesia has stated openly and openly to the world. Meanwhile, the second principle is that sport must be separated from politics where Indonesia views this principle as just a cover used by the IOC to cover up the imperialists' intention to dominate and monopolize the world of international sports," said Muhidin M. Dahlan in Ganefo's book: Indonesian Left Olympiad (2019).

President Soekarno gave a speech. (Photo: Instagram@soekarno_hatta)

There is no other way. Indonesia opted out of the IOC. For self-respect. Not wanting to lose to the Olympics hype, Bung Karno racked his brains. Sang Fajar's son immediately conveyed his idea to create a rival sports party, Games of The New Emerging Force (Ganefo), his name.

Bung Karno's idea was enthusiastically welcomed by all Indonesian people. All levels of society are mobilizing to contribute as much as they can for the implementation of Ganefo. In fact, the Indonesian government has set up a special account for those who want to donate called the Ganefo Charity Fund.

The process of raising donations is carried out in a transparent manner. All incoming funds will be reported via newspapers. In order to maintain the dignity of the nation, he said. At first, the IOC thought that Ganefo's idea was lonely. However, after Ganefo was held on November 10-22, 1963, the IOC was stunned. No less than 51 countries participate in Ganefo. This success made Soekarno's popularity increase. Moreover, for the first time he managed to straddle the IOC.

"They hope that we will become weak and beg to be allowed to re-enter. What nation do you think we are? We are not a tempeh nation. I ordered Minister Maladi to leave the IOC. Immediately form Games of The New Emerging Forces. That is, a combination of Asian countries , Africa, Latin America, and socialist countries.”

“The Ganefo that we will be holding later is a sport from one's own family. I ordered to make Ganefo immediately. This is not just an order from the President, but the order of the entire Indonesian people," said Soekarno in his speech at the National Front Grand Conference on February 13, 1963.

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