JAKARTA - The Student Regiment (Menwa) was warmly welcomed by Soekarno and Suharto. This militaristic organization is considered the spearhead of state defense students. Menwa's involvement in the Trikoka operation to Dwikora, for example. Its popularity makes students flock to Menwa. However, the New Order changed everything. Menwa is like business intelligence controlling student movements. Therefore, Menwa often became an inseparable part of the New Order regime.

Menwa's journey as an element of civilian power – students – to defend the country cannot be doubted. They also contributed to the preservation of national security. Menwa's involvement in a series of state defense operations is proof.

Menwa was present in the Trikora, Dwikora, and G30S operations. It was this contribution that made Menwa remembered as a manifestation of the defense and security system of the universal people. The fruit, Menwa is present in many places. State or private university.

Menwa was quite popular at that time. Menwa's state-of-the-art training system is its charm. Moreover, Menwa's training pattern has followed the mandatory military training system in various countries. These include Israel, Taiwan, Korea, and Singapore. Usually, before students enter Menwa, they are first familiar with the activities of defending the country through entrepreneurship courses.

Menwa (Source: Wikimedia Commons)

Take, for example, the Bogor Agricultural University (IPB). Even though this course is easy to pass, the sensation of military-style training has in fact become “opium” for most students. In order to express his passion for military training, Menwa became the first choice.

“Menwa's Mako (Command Headquarters) is located in a university and consists of students on that campus. This activity is special because it reports directly to the chancellor, in contrast to other student activities: the press, sports, or the arts which only 'report' to the Chairman of the Student Council.”

"Each campus has its own Menwa name: Mahatara for North Sumatra campuses, Mahajaya for campuses in DKI, Mahawarman for campuses in West Java, Mahacendra for campuses in Papua, and Irian Jaya, and so on," he said. Yan Lubis in the book Baranangsiang (2019).

Menwa's hegemony on campuses can be seen from the pride of its members who resemble ABRI. They are so proud of their uniforms, attributes, and attitude like a real military. The Menwa uniform is used in every moment. Not infrequently in the scope of practical work, Menwa uniforms are always worn. To increase authority, he said.

Menwa Training (Source: Wikimedia Commons)

There are other benefits behind being active as a Menwa. Many of the Menwa members get a 50 percent discount on rail transportation costs. They also often get various rations of free food and clothing.

Especially when you've been involved in an activity. The advantage is increasing because Menwa's training forges them to have sufficient organizational experience, have leadership spirit, solidarity, and are also proud of their alma mater.

“While studying and organizing at HMI, I continued to paddle a rickshaw in the afternoon until the evening for my tuition. Sometimes I use the motorized rickshaw that my father rented. If I don't go to college, I also help take care of the garbage shop. During college I entered Rewa (Student Regiment). Which is now called Menwa.”

“Rewa's attributes are army-like, boots, a large belt, and wears a pet hat. I feel proud to dress like a soldier. Rewa was formed by General AH Nasution to face the rampant, arrogant, and arrogant Communist movement," explained Indonesian military leader Kivlan Zen as written by Titi Dewi in the book Kivlan Zen: Personal Memoranda, From Fitnah to Fitnah (2020).

Menwa the New Order era
President Suharto (Source: Wikimedia Commons)

Maybe in the Old Order era, Menwa was famous for heroism. However, this was not the case with the New Order era. Suharto actually made Menwa a stooge of the New Order. Menwa was chosen as a part to perpetuate New Order's power.

At that time, Menwa was moved by the authorities to control students who were anti-government, especially those who hated Suharto. Menwa services are increasingly needed by the New Order because of the 1974 Melari incident.

A student demonstration event that caused social unrest. Not wanting this to happen again, Suharto began to issue a policy to ban political expression and activities on campus. All student activities must be under the control of the rector of the university. After that, Menwa was involved in the supervisory function.

In the following years, Pancasila courses - which, as Suharto wanted - were required as ideology. In addition, Suharto also perpetuated intelligence operations to quell protests from anti-government students.

One of the government intelligence is the Student Regiment (Menwa) which is based on campus. They were not only used as a vehicle to search for future military recruits, but Menwa also became an intelligence network on campus, to monitor other students.

“All forms of routine demonstrations can be stopped by the Minister. It is recorded that between 1978, many of the students were in prison for political activities. Many of them are also criminalized for deviating from the state ideology. Worst of all, they are considered to hate the president and vice president,” wrote a Human Rights Watch report in the book Academic Freedom in Indonesia: Dismantling Suharto – Era Barriers (1998).

The role of the student corps was successful. Student movements that have the potential to disrupt the running of the government are immediately cut down. The New Order government is not happy to play. But not with other students. Hatred of Menwa among students is increasing. Gathered a little criticizing the government, definitely arrested.

Menwa Training (Source: Wikimedia Commons)

All because of Menwa's role. The New Order government itself seemed to turn a blind eye to a series of actions by Menwa who were more soldiers than real soldiers on campuses. In fact, the government is trying to adapt the existence of Menwa on campuses in East Timor. The government formed the Menwa to suppress the student movement who intended to fight for East Timor's efforts to separate from the Republic of Indonesia.

“East Timorese students were also targeted by the Indonesian armed forces. In the 1990s, Timor-Leste had one university and one polytechnic. Student Regiments (Menwa) were formed on these campuses. As in Indonesia, the Student Regiment is a pathway for ABRI to carry out additional indoctrination for students in Timor-Leste.”

“This is a way for ABRI to infiltrate student organizations and clandestine groups on campus. Timor-Leste students studying in Java and Bali are required to join the official organization of Timor-Leste students and students, Impettu (East Timor Students, Youth and Students Association). Many East Timorese are under intelligence monitoring,” the Commission for the Reception of Truth and Reconciliation (CAVR) notes in the book Chega! (2010).

*Read other information about the NEW ORDER or read other interesting articles from Detha Arya Tifada.


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