JAKARTA - Every parent expects their child to be adventurous when it comes to food, meaning that they can develop diverse taste preferences, be willing to try new foods, and be open to healthy foods. Unfortunately, it is not easy for some children. Not a few children who choose sweet foods.

Entering the age of two, your child will indeed be able to determine his own food preferences. They can choose the food they like and refuse the food they don't like.

So, is sweet your child's favorite taste? If they are given sweet bread, cake, donuts, cookies, ice cream, or sweet snacks, they will be hungry. It was their turn to be given other healthy food, they didn't budge.

You are not alone. This is because children are generally more fond of eating sweet foods. Dr. Frankie Phillips, RD, a nutritionist and nutritionist in Torquay, UK says that children have the ability to recognize sweet tastes twenty times better than teenagers.

Actually, why, anyway, do toddlers prefer to eat sweet foods? Dr. Frankie Phillips, RD, a nutritionist and nutritionist in Torquay, UK explains it:

Effect of breast milk

Children are born with a natural tendency to choose sweet tastes. This is due to the influence of breast milk which also has a sweet taste.

For the first six months of life, they are only exposed to the taste of breast milk. This feeling is the most they can accept. This can continue until when they start eating.

Number of Tastebuds

Children have 30,000 tastebuds in their tongue. This amount is more than the number of adults. This is why they are more sensitive to taste. They may reject unfamiliar food on their tongue.

Regarding the previous point that they are more accustomed to sweet tastes, it is likely that they are distant from foods with flavors other than sweet.

Biological Factor

Another reason why toddlers are attracted to sweetness is due to biological factors. Children have a natural instinct to choose foods that meet their energy needs. That means they need calories as the main ingredient of energy. Well, calories themselves can easily be found in sweet foods.

Environmental Influence

One other thing that also needs to be considered is the social factor. If the child is in an environment that often consumes sweet foods, then he also may follow suit. Well, if people at home or closest neighbors like to snack on sweet foods, maybe the children will also follow.

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