JAKARTA - During the COVID-19 pandemic, the condition of many people was shaken. The economy has become difficult because of restrictions in all areas. This is Melanie Subono's main focus as an activist.

Throughout the pandemic, Melanie has made many social movements to help others in need. Not many know that, in the midst of her social activities, Melanie is actually enduring the pain due to her cancer.

Most recently, Melanie had to undergo major surgery at the RSCM. On her Instagram account, Melanie shared her reasons for continuing to try to help others even though her health condition was not good.

""why is that all of a sudden?" , this is not sudden "I want to clean up 14,000 people's help first" Actually almost every time I share Rumah Harapan or a gig, while bleeding or other conditions," wrote Melanie Subono's Instagram page which was uploaded October 24.

"During this pandemic, the last 4 months his stomach has also become as big as a gallon but he still doesn't dare to leave Rumah Harapan," he wrote.

"For the last 25 years, Melanie Bleeding has taken turns almost every day, sometimes for months, but what she focuses on is Rumah Harapan and art activities that she doesn't dare to stay. In fact, she has had the first operation since she finished high school," he concluded.

Melanie Subono's strength is not only seen from how long she has survived against cancer and tumors in her body. After the operation, Melanie Subono even took the time to fill a virtual seminar, even though she was still in a hospital bed.

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